Friday 31 December 2010

A 'New' New Years Resolution

At the start of the year I set out a four part New Years Resolution. Its now time to review my success (or lack of it) and set some new goals for 2011. First off a look at those pesky resolutions from January 2010.

Paint more miniatures than 2009 - I think I succeeded in my aim in that I massively increase the number of 15mm figures painted and ready for action. I now have two viable armies for Flames of War with one project half finished which will kick 2011 off to a nice start. Keeping a tally of completed projects has been a useful incentive to keep me focused and record progress. Its definitely something I will use again this year.

Complete the 3rd story arc for my Campaign Setting - I failed in this objective utterly. I have to admit that I never even so much as picked up the proverbial pen (I write with keyboard only these days). Part of the reason is that I'm still not comfortable with 4E and certainly not confident enough with the rules to run a game. This may change but the fact is I have several ideas for other games nagging at my time and two new rule sets sitting on my shelves making me feel guilty because I haven't used them yet.

Continue building my Blog - Its been an amazing year both in terms of readership and the number of new 'followers'. Even downgrading from daily posting to a four times a week schedule didn't harm the blogs growth. In fact BLMA has now had growth in visitors/hits for 7 out of 8 quarters ending the year with nearly 300% more visitors in 2010 over 2009. There have been a few 'slow' months but the overall trend continues to point up. The same applies when counting followers (the core, dedicated readership that keeps a blog alive) which went from 49 followers at the end of 2009 to its current level of 141 now.

Play More Games - This is another unqualified success. I've gone out of my way to get involved in new games with an even broader range of players. I've started actively wargaming again after years of just painting and talking about it. I have also bought and played several new boardgames and even had a go at a couple of strategy computer games. All in all my hobby activities are definitely more diverse and full bloodied than they were a year ago.

Overall I think its been a successful year and setting a list of resolutions at the start helped keep me focused on what was important. With three out of four objectives met, I consider that a result. Which of course begs the question, what about 2011. I think my resolutions will be 'more of the same' although I still hold out little hope of completing my D&D campaign. However I will make a resolution to run an RPG of some kind in 2011. This may take the form of a two or three game mini adventure, I haven't decided yet. Whatever happened I know it'll be a productive year with lots of Miniature Adventures ahead of me.


  1. Good grief this blog posts come with graphs, excellent work and good luck for the new year.

  2. Great post, thanks! I love nerdy statistics, thanks for posting them :)

  3. Happy New Year, Lee. I've really loved following your blog this year. All the best for 2011!

  4. Happy New Year.



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