Friday 26 November 2010

Like London Buses

The saying goes you can wait hours for a bus only to have three come along at the same time. Well its happened to me this weekend with three events all scheduled for the same day and a busy weekend in general.

Tomorrow is the Dragonmeet convention at Kensignton Town Hall. This event describes itself as "London’s foremost roleplaying and collectable card gaming convention." and who am I to disagree. The day will be jam-packed with participation games and has a full schedule of panels and seminars going on throughout the day. As always there will also be a good selection of traders selling their wares in the main hall... time for a little last minute Christmas shopping I think!

In addition the show has several special guests, chief amongst them being Ian Livingstone of Fighting Fantasy and Edios fame. I'm looking forward to meeting him as it was probably his and Steve Jackson's efforts setting up Games Workshop and bringing D&D into the European marketplace in 1975 that ultimately got me into the hobby. The Fighting Fantasy book series in particular was an early influence and opened my eyes to a different type of game experience.

I booked my tickets a while back and am look forward to seeing some old friends there. Its also an opportunity to hit some art supply shops in London that I wouldn't otherwise get a chance to visit. I'll be taking my camera (of course) and will post a few pictures next week.

Earlier in the week I also got an invitation to wargame the Crimea with Posties Rejects (formerly The Group With No Name). Due to Dragonmeet I've had to blow them out but the invitation was very much appreciated. Maybe next time guys.

On Tuesday I also reported that The North Weald Airfield Museum is having another Model Show. This should be an enjoyable event for anyone interested in Air Warfare and WWII. Again because of Dragonmeet I can't make it on the Saturday.

In addition I'm playing Taxi to my kids as usual and trying to cram in some Christmas shopping with the wife. If I'm lucky I may even get some painting done, but I'm not holding my breath.

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