Monday 8 November 2010

Bloggers Choice Awards

My site was nominated for Best Hobby Blog!I'm feeling rather red faced and embarrassed at the moment because I recently found out that my blog has been nominated for the Bloggers Choice Awards. This site bills itself as "The most popular user-generated blog voting site on the planet"! So to find myself even listed is a great privilege and honor. It's always nice to know that I'm not talking to myself and the feedback and comments I get from readers keeps me motivated and focused. The odd award nomination also helps ☺.

Now, having stated my humble surprise at being listed that doesn't mean I'm going to turn down the chance to harvest a few votes from my readers! If you enjoy this blog, and can spare a few minutes to vote for it, please use the link provided (there's a button to the right). Thanks for your support and for your vote.

There's still a lot of ill informed stigma attached to roleplaying games and wargames and anything that helps get our message out - and attracts new player's in - has to be a good thing. There are several gaming related sites listed in the awards so its worth taking a few minutes to look through the nominations and voting for any other sites you enjoy.


  1. Very good stuff your blog deserves it.

  2. Congrats mate.
    Your site deserves it.
    Not only nominated for best Hobby blog but also for Best Blog of All Time, Best Geek Blog.
    I will never be nominated for the blogger choice awards. Well maybe in the Worst Blog of All Time. ;)

  3. A well earned accolade - it's clear that you put a lot of thought into your content and keep it to a general theme.

    Very well done!


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV