As earlier reported I'm in the midst of a very busy period at work. Nothing much has changed since that post and next week will be just as busy because I'm away on a business trip for three days. I'm hoping things will settle down a little after that and I can get on top of my workload. Over the last few weeks months I haven't so much as picked up a brush or rolled a dice in anger and getting started again is proving very hard. Everyone has periods like this and I guess I'm no exception and I'd rather be busy than unemployed.
What I need now is a clear game plan for my hobby time once I get through this busy period, because without it I risk 'drifting'. Before I know it September will be over and I still won't have put paint on metal or played a game. Unfortunately I did just this way back in July and I still ended up getting little done on the painting front, mainly due to a packed summer schedule of living history events, holidays and air shows. The blog benefited from the pictures I took, but what little painting time I had was soon frittered away. The last of the big living history events has now been and gone and my last major air show is this weekend (Duxford of course) so time for painting and gaming should return soon...if I can get to grips with my job workload of course. So what plans do I have for September and beyond?
First off I must crack on with my Panzergrenadier Company. I have one last platoon to paint and it has sat on my desk at the under coated stage since July! The plan is to get started on this by the end of next week, even if I only sit down for a few minutes each night. The travel painting kit will have to be brought out so I can get some painting done at work (when I get a chance to reclaim my lunch breaks that is!). I know that once I get started I'll zip along with these and finish them quickly, but getting started is always the hard part!
The other major project I need to focus on is building some more Bocage terrain. I know what materials I need to do this and I have almost all the components except the wood I used as the base of these raised banks of earth, rock and hedge. I have about 2.5m already made but that is nowhere near enough for a decent sized table. I need to make considerably more and I need to make a variety of sections, some with gates and breaks in the banks.
If I can get these two projects done I'll feel a little happier that I have achieved most of the objectives I set myself back in May. Beyond this I have no firm plans for more painting (yet) but I do want to try and fit in as many games as I can before the year ends. With the Air Show season over my good friend and Brother-in-law Ray will have more time on his hands and I intend on keeping him busy by setting up some games. Nothing on the scale of the Rejects of course but we all have to work with the space we have, and we don't have much.
So there you have it, my long and rambling plan for the next few months.
So there you have it, my long and rambling plan for the next few months.
Superb photo of the Panther :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Deletekeep plodding away Lee, this damn thing called life just gets in the way. Not sure when were having another game?? I'll go give Postie a kick in the you know what's! Although September's not a good month for me and Fran, working nearly every weekend :0(
ReplyDeleteIt seems the whole summer period is a problem for me every year. Holidays mean I'm generally busier at work (playing catch-up) and nearly every weekend has an air-show or Living History event associated with it. I don't go to as many as I would like but probably more than I could hope for. The end result is that 'spare' weekends for gaming are as rare as hens teeth between July and September. Its a hard life, but I guess somebody has to do it...
DeleteHi Lee,
ReplyDeleteJust keep doing what you can, when you can and don't beat yourself up if you don't get to do any painting or bocage making on a given day. Real life is more important.
You need a cunning plan Lee.. as particularly cunning as Mr Cunning from Cunninghamshire's plan.
ReplyDeleteWhat you've got looks great so far - press on!
ReplyDeleteVery nice post. I have also been mulling over how to do bocage. Pan scourers are currently on my shopping list. :)
PS superb photo of the Panther.
Summer and light nights are not a painters best fried. No the painters best friend is dark nights and rainy weekends. So don't worry, the campaign season will soon be upon you.
ReplyDeleteYes a very nice Panther!
Excellent looking miniatures especially the panther. The bocage terrain is really superb, thanks for showing that and the tutorials.