Wednesday 25 April 2012

Salute 2012 - Salute Loot!

I went to Salute with a very specific list of 'wants' and left with everything I was looking for. This year I was shopping right up to the end of the show and a bit beyond it. My last purchase of the day took place about 10 minutes after the show had officially closed. I had been unsuccessfully looking for a Flames of War US Parachute Mortar Platoon and found it quite by chance in a bargain box on the very last stall I went to!

~ German Panzergrenadier HQ from Marquee Miniatures*
~ German Panzergrenadier Platoon from Marquee Miniatures*
~ US Parachute Mortar Platoon*
~ FoW Objective Marker - US Command Tent from Battlefront
~ FoW Objective Marker - Fuel Dump from Wayland Games
~ FoW Barbed Wire Obstacles from Wayland Games
~ FoW Artillery Template*
~ Zvezda Stuka, free from Marquee Miniatures
~ T-Shirt from Help for Heroes
~ 3x Packs of Medium Gravel from Antenociti's Workshop*
~ Greenstuff (Lots of it!)
~ 3x Testors Dullcoat Spray from Antenociti's Workshop*
~ Painted Building (Destroyed Terrace) by Fieldworks.*
~ Painted Building (Destroyed House) by Fieldworks.*
~ Summer Tufts Short and Long from Antenociti's Workshop
~ Salute Torch/Laser Pen
~ 28mm Bromhead - Black Scorpion Miniatures*
~ 28mm Wayland and his Forge, free from Wayland Games.

All the items listed with a * at the end were on my pre-show shopping list, the rest were 'impulse buys'. I think you'll agree that was a successful shopping trip! It looked like all the retailers present were doing brisk trade, with plenty of money changing hands. The show also 'felt' busier than the last few years which I hope is a sign that the event is continuing to grow and that the industry is thriving, even in these tough economic times. I'd be interested to see any figures that might come out to support this view.

All in all Salute 2012 was a roaring success from my perspective. I had a great time, bought everything I wanted, met up with lots of interesting people and saw some truly amazing demo games. Not bad for a one day show.


  1. So you're into Flames of war then?^^ Glad you had a great time, I forgot to stock up on Testors which I wanted to.

  2. That's a lot of stuff! Hope the Mrs doesn't read your blog!

  3. Money well spent Lee, that's quite a haul!!!

    1. Yeh, when I laid it all out to photograph it I was amazed how much I'd bought. Of course I justified the purchases by adding up all the show discounts and the P&P I saved by buying it at the show... telling the wife "I saved £50" sounds a lot better than "I spent £250"!

  4. I bought the testors and the green stuff too. insane amount for 6£.

    1. It was so cheep I almost took the 4 packs for £20 offer...then I did a reality check. One pack will last me years (possibly decades) at the rate I use it. Four packs would just be OCD!

    2. But what about a nuclear war or zombie pandemic? How easy would green stuff be to get then Lee? You need to think of these things.

  5. A splendid haul and clearly you showed a modicum of restraint with the impulse purchases- I wish I could say the same!

  6. It is a decent amount of stuff but clearly you behave like a good boy... wait to see the photos in my blog of some of my mates leaving through the door... I still do not understand how they could pack all those toys in their suitcases!!

  7. ahhh, yes, now we are talking... the show is just an excuse ;-)

    Why not the PSC sdkfz 251 by the way?

  8. Looks like you picked up quite the nice haul there. A;so glad to see somebody brought some Field Works scenery. I thought their stuff looked really good.

  9. Yeh. I bought two pieces and they just need a little bit of work (flocking the base, maybe a wash here and there). I like the fact that not only are the roofs removable but also the floors which gives them a lot of flexibility. I also thought their 15mm stuff was spot on scale-wise...some other 15mm buildings I have bought in the past looked much too small when I got them home.

    1. I'm glad you think they're worth it. You're right about a lot of scenery not quite looking 'right' at 15mm scale as well. Not quite sure why that is but I think it has something to do with the even greater exaggerated effect bases can have at that scale. Who knows I could be talking out of my bum!!! Any way glad you like your swag. :)

  10. Look forward to seeing all these make an appearance on here

  11. A good looking haul there. Also looked at the fieldworks stuff, but not entirely to my taste, prefer less bombed out, more sci-fi things. Still good looking though.

  12. Ah, I didn't see the Testors at Antoneciti's! One of the main things I was after and failed to get hold of.

    Good loot from the looks of it.


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