Sunday 6 March 2011

Big Picture :

This weeks Big Picture is a two for one offer. These two pictures were taken at the Military Odyssey living history event in August 2006. The Vietnam reenactment display was notable for its recreation of a helicopter landing in a hostile LZ.

Battlefront are about to release more rules and models for Flames of War Vietnam so I thought these pictures were worth sharing.


  1. Good picture of the US troops, now that I'm painting my figures (I started with Vietcong but US will follow soon!). I'm for Charlie Don't Surf too; never was interested in the period until I read ome comments about the rules, bought them, read them and got totally hooked

  2. Very nice picture.

    To be honest, I'm a bit perplexed why BF decided to Vietnam? In my opinion FOW isn't the best rule set for this period as I think skirmish level gaming is the best for it.
    Personally, They should have done the Pacific and/or WWI as a more appropiate choice.
    Also, IMHO choppers are easily the coolest thing out there and so getting enough VC or NVA players could prove problematic.



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