Monday 4 May 2009

Vodcast - Meeples & Miniatures

I try to follow and listen to a variety of gaming podcasts each week. However it can be hard to find time when programmes can be an hour or more long. One of the shows I follow is the Meeples & Miniatures webcast but I rarely get to listen to the whole show as its often over and hour and a half long. That's not a criticism of the shows quality, just my ability to find the time to listen to it. Now Neil Shuck is producing a Vodcast on You Tube discussing the weeks Historical miniatures releases. If Episode one is anything to go by this looks like being an excellent weekly show and something I will definitely be tuning into regularly. This programme takes the format of an audio slide show running through the weeks top ten releases. At 8minutes 25 seconds I think this is just the right length for me.

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Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV