Tuesday 6 March 2018

Tutorial: How to make a mess

Wrong materials; wrong tools; wrong technique. But I don't care. Today I'm doing a bit of terrain building. I just had this overwhelming urge.....

Oh, and I don't have a mancave, a workshop or even a shed to work in so my first major terrain building exercise is taking place in the living room. Guess I'd better tidy up before the wife gets home from work! 


  1. Take it slowly and ask the love of your life if it OK. Also Good luck with a famous rock in South Africa. here's a link to the 15mm one I made last year.


    Best of Luck and cut away from all body parts.

    Bill D

    1. Oh cool. Love your model. Mine is still a work in progress and I have no idea if my 'bloody minded bodging' will end up in a decent model. But I'm enjoying myself and that's enough for now... The wife gets home in 4 hours so I still have time to clean up right?

    2. The living room? Trust me, never do any modelling in the living room! The wife will find out from the blobs of PVA and paint on the carpet. Especially when your dog tries to chew a Vallejo paint pot and sprayed it across the hall carpet. Now I'm relegated to my room upstairs.

    3. That why I can't paint figures but I can do Terrain, It so enjoyable to be bathed in glue,Flock, and paint.


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