Sunday 18 March 2018

Mini Beast Kills 'Spring' Skirmish

If the weather forecasts were to be believed large parts of Britain were about to be paralysed by a weather system rather dramatically dubbed "The Mini Beast from the East". The snow has indeed caused disruption further north (its North after all!) but down here in southern England the dire predictions have proved nothing but hyperbole! And the result is that a small but popular wargame and toy soldier show was dealt a death blow.

Several traders didn't show up and at least two clubs didn't make it, but the real killer blow was the poor turnout of punters. I arrived earlier than normal, about 9:15 and was on my way home by 10:30, and that was stretching it out as much as I could. A few more people had turned up by the time I left but just a fraction of the normal attendance. The irony is that the snow down here was very light and had already started to melt by the time I left home at 8:30 this morning. The roads were completely snow free and as far as I could see driving conditions were unaffected by the 'bad' weather.

As usual I took photo's but not all the tables were labelled so I haven't (yet) been able to caption all the pictures. 

Skirmish Wargames - Nam 68

Privateers of London - Return of the Iron Butterfly

Privateers of London - Return of the Iron Butterfly

Old Guard Wargames Club - Sharp Practice "Rescue the Colonels Wife"

Old Guard Wargames Club - Sharp Practice "Rescue the Colonels Wife"

Medway Wargames

Medway Wargames

Maidstone Wargames Society

Maidstone Wargames Society

Maidstone Wargames Society

Its a pity the weather put so many people off because the games were pretty good and in keeping with the shows Vietnam theme. However the lack of traders made this event a bit of a damp squib. I hope this doesn't deal a death blow to this small show as I always enjoy it and look forward to the Autumn Skirmish later in the year (16th September). 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lee. As a club we could not make it. So we were one of the Clubs (Rainham). It is a shame but it is still snowing here and the pavements are Ice like glass and lots of Black ice in the roads here abouts. So a decision was taken as a club we should not attend. I am sure the main roads would have been clear though.

    It is such a shame that we had to bow out due to the bad weather. But we do hope to attend in the future and hope this is not the death nell of the show.


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