Wednesday 21 March 2012

Jolly Good Service

The Flames of War 3rd Edition Rulebook in Hardback was released on the 10th March and I was hoping to pick up a copy at the Skirmish show on the Sunday. I knew that my FLGS would be in attendance and that they usually bring plenty of stock to these events. Unfortunately they hadn't had their copies in so I decided to visit the shop a week later after their next delivery. But when I called in they still hadn't had the delivery and couldn't confirm when they would get it. They were apologetic but frankly didn't seem all that worried, perhaps because they still had several copies of the 2nd edition rules on sale!

This is the point my willpower broke down and I hit the Internet instead. I found several retailers selling copies online but in the end opted for one I have used several times before, Empire Game Store. Although they are based in Kings Lynn (over 100 miles from where I live) they are fast becoming my FLGS.

I placed my order about midday yesterday and less than 24hrs later I have the rulebooks in my hands. Now that's amazing service in anyone's book, and I didn't even have to pay for delivery! So this is a big shout out to Matt at Empire Games to say cheers and thanks for the truly amazing service!


  1. Always nice when you can get what you want when you want it.. sad that the local guys can't perform that way.. same issue over here in Turkey too..

  2. Always great to here of good service, will certainly go and have a look because of your recommendation.

  3. I always bought FOW figures from them, when I was going through my Africa Korps faze, they were always prompt delivering figures, a very good company to buy from, great shout out Lee!!! (there's them exclamation marks again!)

  4. Damn good service, will look them up!

  5. Excellent - rarely happens when you REALLY want it right now!


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