Saturday 31 March 2012

Big Picture - Tiger 131

Today is Tiger Day and I'm in Bovington visiting an old friend. Tiger 131, the only working original Tiger Tank in the world. Its just been restored (for the second time) and should be in fine running order for today's display. 

Tiger 131 on display at Tankfest in 2010
Scars on the gun barrel and mantlet from the lucky shot that jammed the turret and disabled the Tiger. 
I'm also hoping to cross paths with another old friend while I'm at the museum. Richard Smith, the museums Director is an old work college of mine. We both worked in the same office at P&O many moons ago and it was quite a surprise when I found out that he now worked at my favourite museum. We met up at Tankfest 2010 and we've crossed paths on subsequent visits so it'll be good to catch up and say hello again.


  1. What a beautiful sight. Thanks Lee.

  2. A real good blokes weekend out. Nice one.

  3. Wow! THAT would be so cool. And look at the size of the 88mm shell! Enjoy Tiger Day!

  4. I was gutted I couldn't make this one, I had intended to, but it clashed with a family celebration, so I dutifully had to fall on my sword; have a good 'un! ;)

  5. Great pics. Very cool to see the battle damage that disabled this monster and hear the story of it's demise. I can just imagine a bunch of Germans tankers bailing and cussing.

  6. Can't wait to see your pics, Lee! Have a great time.

  7. Looking forward to an update, should be an awesome day!

  8. Great to see this beast operational... Lets hope some talented film maker puts it to good use in a decent war movie or two...

  9. Envious as heck - have a great day!


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