Monday 11 July 2011

15mm Farmhouse

This is another model that I bought at Broadside last month. Again its taken a little time to get round to finishing it but I think it'll look good when I get to use it in action. This building has a removable roof so I expect it to feature highly as a strong point or objective in any battle.

I still have a few more resin buildings to get started on so hopefully I'll have some more pictures to post in due course.


  1. Looks very beautiful, nice!

  2. That looks excellent what manufacturer ?

  3. Looks good. Looks like a JR building. I got one and the roof was a litte rocky. It doesn't sit that flat but it looks good all the same.

  4. The building looks great great - nice job

    I have the same one and I do think it's from JR

  5. Sgt Steiner - JR Miniatures. Not a badbit of resin although there were a lot of air bubbles in the roof section that needed filler.
    Kiwi - The roof on mine sits flat ok but its not quite the same size as the building it sits on so the edges show on one side. Having said that it only cost a couple of quid and was easy to paint.

  6. A very useful addition to any terrain collection - Great job!

  7. Great paint job on that it will look great on your table

  8. Excellent painted little house.


  9. Another nice looking building!


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