Sunday 24 May 2020

A golden age of gaming?

It occurred to me recently that I’m busier and more productive than ever where my hobby is concerned (certainly busier than I normally am at this time of year), and anecdotally, So are all my friends. We are all playing more games, in more formats, with a wider group of people than ever before. So while we all recognise that we are living through a terrible time in our history, we may one day look back on this period and consider it something of a Golden Age where our hobby is concerned.

The latest episode of the Quarantined Wargamer aired on Friday and in it, I discuss this idea and ask if you agree with me.

Productivity, creativity and energy seem to be very high in our community at this time and I think its a good thing. As always I'd love to hear what you think. Do you agree or disagree, am I talking out of my posterior or have I hit the nail on the head? Please leave some feedback here, or in the comments section on YouTube. 

Stay safe folks, and may you always roll high! 

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