Sunday 24 April 2016

Army Camps for TtS!

While I was at Salute I picked up a pre-order from Baccus that included tents and the other trappings of ancient battlefield camps. The To the Strongest! rules include the need for a camp for each army and this was the last thing I needed to paint up so that I could start playing. My original plan was to model two bases filled with tents, baggage carts, camp followers and all the trappings of a battlefield encampment. When I started arranging these elements on the mdf bases I soon realised I didn't have room for all these items and actually the best looking 'camp' models were the simplest, featuring only tents, a few camp fires and a campaign table outside the Generals tent. 

One camp for the Romans and one for the Carthaginian's.
One of the advantages of making these like this is that there is room for units of troops to be place inside the camp and other items such as Victory Medals can also be stored here. The spare baggage model will not go to waste, I'll paint these up and mount them as scenic items at a later date. There is also space around the outside of these bases to arrange fortifications if the player is willing to spend the points do so. This is a project for the future. 

With the flock and paint barely dry on these encampments the Young Padawan and I had our first proper game with my Romans and Carthaginian's. I'll write up a battle report and post it in a few days time but lets just say my first battle didn't exactly go to plan!


  1. Very nice Lee. Did the little one win by any chance?

  2. They look rather tasty and a nice addition.

  3. Good looking camps and the map tables were a great idea.

    1. Thanks. I'm glad I left off the baggage carts in the end. I use the camps in a game over the weekend and I was able to put bases of troops inside the camp (resting on top of the tents) which I wouldn't have been able to do had I cluttered the model up with more stuff.

  4. I do like your 6mm gaming. It always inspires me a little,

  5. Lovely camps!



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