Friday 31 October 2014

The Royal Engineers Museum

Last week my youngest daughter had a day off school (teacher training day) so I took her to the Royal Engineers Museum in Chatham. I've been here several times over the years but they have made a few changes since I was last here. The Museum has some new exhibits (a V2 Rocket for starters!) and currently has a special exhibition to coincide with the WWI centenary commemorations. I took a few photo's and here is a small selection of my favourites from the day.

The concept of fake tanks was first employed in WW1
The 'Rorkes Drift' collection
My daughter gets to grips with Morse Code
German WWI Trench Mortar
A German Mauser Anti-Tank Rifle
An assortment of Trench items including wire cutters.
A sophisticated gas mask... not generally issued to all troops!
This army biscuit was so tough it was posted home and arrived undamaged
A selection of typical mines from the Western Desert
And the answer, electronic mine detection. A very dangerous job because the user cold only operate the equipment while standing up. 
The V2 Rocket
The Unwilling Recruit - I must have the only child in the country that doesn't like dressing up!
A great day out and an interesting museum well worth a visit if you are in the area. 


  1. She does not look impressed in the last photo. Nice look at the exhibits. Local museum to me and I don't go as often as I might. Oh well. Thanks for updating me.

  2. That last photograph is priceless Lee - you mean Dad! :D In all seriousness this looks like a little gem of a museum.

  3. As usual, I like museum visits and as usual I'm envious of all the interesting museums you have

  4. I used to pass that museum on my way to my hotel at least twice a month for 4+ years but never got round to going in!!


  5. I haven't been to the RE Museum for some years ... and it looks as though they have made quite a few changes since I last went. I have now added it to my 'must see soon' list.

    All the best,


  6. Love the army biscuit! And who used them wire cutters on your head???

  7. What a great collection. Rorkes Drift..fascinating...decoy tank photo is a classic and the unwilling model...just how I would expect my kid to look as well. DAD!?

  8. I love the gas mask that model was for flamethrower operators


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