Tuesday 4 December 2012

Desert Panzer III J's

Following on from my yesterdays post here's another platoon of German tanks that I finished off over the weekend. These Panzer III J's will no doubt see a lot of service.

I'm still waiting for some more German vehicles which are on order so before I get stuck into those I will be changing sides. I have checked through the models I do have and have enough to build the core of a British Infantry Tank Company so I'll be getting on with that shortly. I also have plans for a Heavy tank Company at a later date but that will require a few more purchases to fill the gaps in my available models. 


  1. Spiffy. The tufts work really well here.

  2. Great work! I really like the labeling you've done for these.

  3. Always liked the Pz3. Can never have too many for early/mid war Germans.


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