Sunday 17 January 2021

Advice for your younger self

This week The Quarantined Wargamer is looking back at his younger self (the one with hair, and decent eyesight!) and asking, what advice would I give to that callow youth just starting out in the hobby? And is that advice applicable to the newbie of today?

What advice would you give to your younger self? I'd love to hear what pearls of wisdom you would have given yourself, or indeed would give to someone starting out today. As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below or over on my youtube channel. 


  1. Don't sell you massive 15mm SYW and WWII Desert War collection you bloody Idiot!

    That's what I'd say to myself.

    1. Lol. We've all done it at one time or another.

    2. Is this a hypothetical situation, Ray?

  2. I had no wargaming mentors or older colleagues from which to gain insight and knowledge when I came into the hobby in the early 70s. Much of what I learned was derived from reading, experimentation, and curiosity. This is a hobby and hobbies are about discovery. My advice? Don't under-estimate the value in self-discovery.

    1. Excellent advice. Something that is probably just as relevant today as it was 'back in the day'.

  3. Stay focused, stop swapping scales, don't be a magpie...and 6mm is going to be big!!

  4. I would say 'don't get the Late Achaemenids, get the early ones!' Don't sell any figures. Paint everything you buy before buying more. Never use enamel paints. In fact, wait for Vallejo if you can.
    Better to start and stay in 6mm. It's the future of wargaming!


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV