Wednesday 18 December 2019

High density foam mess

No sooner have I sorted my Operations Room out than I start making a mess in it. And what a wonderful mess! For the first time ever I have space to work on multiple large projects at the same time. Up until now, I have had to co-opt the dining room table, and then only for limited periods at a time. Now I can spread out, make a mess...and leave it there as long as necessary. So what's on my table? Well, currently lots of high-density foam. I've spent the last couple of weeks busily cleaning and priming miniatures ready for the start of the Challenge in a few days time, but now I'm beavering away on lots of foam terrain. 

I've never worked with this material before so I'm learning 'on the job' so-to-speak. Much of the terrain you see here is pre-cast resin stuff that I picked up at Warfare a few weeks ago but the first bits of homemade wall can be seen, along with a Tower. This latter piece was very much a test item as it was the first thing I had a go at. I learned a lot about the properties of this material, and how to work it. Future buildings will hopefully be more elaborate and ambitious in scale. Expect to see a lot of this in the Challenge, as I need enough buildings to cover this table (when it isn't being used as a workbench). I probably should have started practicing with this material much earlier, but at least I'll have some of the resin stuff to paint early in the competition, and my home made stuff will follow later on. 


  1. We are using a lot of this on the castle. Great to use, sticks well with PVA. We have been using pencils and biros to get detail like bricks into it, but avoid aerosols unless it is properly sealed - it will melt!

    1. I’ve been exploring its properties and done some tests on bits of scrap with various brush on primers and my normal spray primers. Best results thus far have come from large tubes of acrylic paint from The Works
      Cheap, but with very dense pigment so it can be watered down and still covers well.

    2. I treated myself to some modelling tools but found that a biro works just as well for indenting patterns and cracks in walls etc. Like I said, I'm new to this material but my mind is racing with the potential for new projects!


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