Tuesday 24 December 2019

Happy Bazookamas!

So the holiday season is finally here...fells like has already been 'here' for months! My first entry to this year's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is an alternative take on Christmas. I like to think this guy is taking aim on the over-commercialisation of the season... or maybe the radio station that keeps playing the same f'ing songs over and over and over again.... Yes I know, Bah Humbug!

Don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy Christmas - socialising with friends and family is one of the highlights of this time of year - but when the 'season' starts in the shops in September, I'm more than a little fed up with it by December. My colleagues - bless em - like to have the radio on in the office and by now I've heard enough Christmas songs to last a lifetime.

The model is from Wargames Foundry and is rather large 28mm, actually standing 30mm tall. Just for good measure, I put it on a resin base to make it a little taller still. This was a quick and easy first entry that has kept me busy between a much larger submission (in 6mm) for later in the week.

That's it, my opening shot in AHPC X. Good luck to everyone taking part in this year's Painting Challenge. And despite my previous grumblings, I really do wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. 


  1. Fabulous start Lee and wishing you a very Happy Christmas.

  2. I couldn't agree more about being fed up with the 3-4 month build up to Xmas! Have a lovely break and look forward to seeing your games etc in 2020.

  3. Great start Lee - merry Bahhumbugmas! :)

  4. Great fig mate! Merry Christmas


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