Monday 22 January 2018

Cedric Hyde

The torture that is the Analogue Challenge Bonus rounds continues, and again I had a real struggle to find something suitable for this weeks category. The only model I initially found in my lead mountain was a lovely sculpt from Colonel Bills Belt Fed Girls range but as it was a bit NSFW I decided to try and find something a little more PC! Then by sheer chance I came across this figure by Westwind while browsing through one of my favourite model shops in Rochester. So I present Cedric Hyde from Westwind's Empire of the Dead range.

Needless to say the link to the theme is his rather oversized revolver (which reminded me somewhat of the gun wielded by Hellboy). I imagine that targets hit by this impressive hand cannon don't just get large holes in them, they probably explode. If that doesn't count as a BFG I don't know what does.

This was harder to paint than its simple lines would suggest. The large smooth surfaces of this figures bulging physique meant that any detail needed to be added by the painter. In other words this needed a bit more skill than I normally exhibit on a 28mm figure! I've given it my best shot and hope you like it.


  1. Wow I don't believe it I can actually hear Raymond Frown even from here. (He's tuting as he reads this as well.... now blustering and now calming down!

    Nice job mate a splendid figure indeed. I am sure the league of Extraordinary Gentlemen will be very pleased that you are swelling their ranks.


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