Friday 2 August 2013

Back to the Workbench

I've not really got a lot of painting or modelling done in the last few weeks, mainly because other stuff keeps getting in the way. Its not all the fault of work, I have also been trying to get a few other (DIY) jobs done and we have been out and about with the kids a lot recently. I'm not sweating it though, if I felt I had to spend a set amount of time at my desk every day it would cease to be a hobby and would quickly become a chore. Having said that I am keenly aware that I haven't progressed with any painting projects for a few weeks and was determined to make some headway this week.

I've started to based my Afrikakorp Infantry Company that I ordered and received from Heroics and Ros a few weeks ago. I usually base all my infantry before painting them rather than following the traditional method of painting them first. It works for me and and avoids any 'accidents' when painting the groundwork at the end. The other advantage is that I can get everything out on the workbench and see exactly what needs painting and what progress is being made.

Its going to be another busy weekend for me and the family, as we are going to the Military and Flying Machines Show in Rainham. This is a great little 'local' living history event, just 15 minutes drive from my home. I say 'little' but its growing every year with more and more vehicles and aircraft on display. I'm hoping to get some painting done on Sunday although, weather permitting, I also have more work to do in my garden.

UPDATE: I've just checked the website and it confirms they will have the B17 Sally B doing a flyover at some point during the day. They will also have a Spitfire Mk9 and a Hurricane at some point over the weekend plus a variety of other aircraft on the ground and in the air. They will also have a wide selection of vehicles in attendance including a Cromwell Tank, the "Warhorse" Mk IV Tank from Bovington, A Stuart M5 and M3A1, A Hellcat tank destroyer, a T34, an M8 Greyhound armoured car, a Chieftain Tank and lots more. 


  1. Taking lots of pictures at the show, I hope....

  2. There's not only the Hobby in our life !
    When we have a family, I think that's important to spend time with it !!

  3. As you say rather a hobby than a chore. Have a good weekend and enjoy the show.

    1. The heat hasn't helped. Several Bloggers have mentioned they have found it too hot to paint and I have to agree. With all the windows and doors open our house feels relatively cool... but only if you don't move or do anything more strenuous than 'veg' in front of the TV!

    2. Relocate to Manchester than. It's reasonably cool here and slashing down so you'll not be going to any show either! ;O)

    3. Indeed the heat has not helped. At the moment I am sitting still and dripping!.

      No offence Gary, but Manchester, no. Leeds the North with attitude.

    4. No offence taken mate. I may live there, but I can't stand the place. The real Manchester died about 50 years ago and has been replaced with a plastic facade and plastic people. However, I don't like Leeds either. Spent too long there at countless 'Norther Purchasing Officers Group' meetings over the years. That would colour anybody's view!


  4. Well, I'd rather go to the park or 'play cars' with young Henry than paint any day, but I'd rather paint than have my mother-in-law resurrected. It's all relative . . . ('scuse the pun)

    1. The summer months can be hard work. There are a lot of shows and events running at this time of year and I'm busy with a load of DIY projects. Plus when the kids are off school for the summer break we try to fit in as many family days out as we can. So finding free time to fit in games or even painting projects can be a bit tough. I can't complain, at least we can afford to do all these things, some families have to get by on a lot less than us.

  5. The life of the rich and shameless!

  6. Have a good time this weekend Lee. I seem to be one of the few who is fortunate to be able to paint in the heat (coolest bit of the house though) but I actually enjoy painting almost every day. After almost two years off work painting for 4-10 hours it almost seems like a rest LOL


  7. I've amen to basing before painting too - even on 28mm figures!


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