Wednesday 9 May 2012

US Airborne LMG Platoon

This US Airborne LMG Platoon will provide some much needed support to my recently completed 101st Airborne Rifle Company. Although only one squad (The platoon can have two squads) this is still quite a formidable platoon, especially as it comes with yet another Bazooka Team. I have to give a big shout out to The Angry Lurker who gave me these figures last year and thereby planted the idea of painting the 101st in my head. Thanks a lot Fran! ;-)

US Airborne LMG Platoon

As before I have labelled the bases for ease of identification. I still need to go back and apply the same idea to all my German infantry bases but that's a big job in its own right and I need to set aside some time for that soon.

Base Labelling
I've already started working on the last part of this project, an 81mm Mortar Platoon. That's all I have planned for my 101st Airborne Company at this stage. I can utilise some parts of my existing Tank Company as Divisional Support and I may add an Airborne Artillery Platoon at a later stage.

US Airborne Rifle Company and LMG Platoon

Once I have the Mortar Platoon finished I need to turn my attention back to the Germans and the Lehr Panzergrenadier Company I want to put together.


  1. Looking good and the labeled bases are great!

  2. the colors for the labels work very well.
    Do you protect them with varnish as well?

    1. I brush on one coat of Winsor & Newton Matt varnish to seal them.

  3. Very nice troops Lee, you don't get a lot for nothing from Fran very often!!!

  4. They look lovely... far above the usual 15mm / FOW quality!

  5. Excellent work - I think the labels came out great and will try the same with my FOW forces


  6. Nice to see them so well painted and used!

    1. Thanks for the donation! Its taken a while to get going but now that I have started I'm finding painting the whole army on one go (or at least one unit after another) to be quite useful. The finished force will look consistent because I have followed the same painting and basing conventions throughout.

      When I finish the Mortar Platoon I'll go back to my Lehr Panzergrenadier's and try to do the same thing with them, although I will need to do some work on the bases to bring them up to current standard.

  7. Nice one BL! Looking good, liking the labels.

  8. It's nice to see your painting and modelling work in the last few posts. Quite good. And I still love the unit labels.

  9. I love the labels ! Got a link to that post for us ?

    1. Here's my original post about Labelling bases. However I borrowed the idea from The Bards Abode. The Bard provides some examples to download. I used this initial idea and adapted it so my labels a similar but not identical to his.

  10. These look great.. I keep seeing all these FoW armies, and keep thinking why haven't I started one of my own?

    Also what type of foam tray is that? Is it specific to FoW or to 28mm models in general?

    1. I bought a Metal box with this foam inside a couple of years ago. I can't remember who makes this box but I wouldn't recommend it anyway. The Case is fine, nice and strong with a good strap and double cliplock for security. But the foam is far to soft. When a tray is filled up lifting it out to get at the trays below is 'problematic' at best. If there are metal vehicles in the tray is sags in the middle and models start tumbling out.

      The more rigid trays from Battlefoam (the makers of the official FOW bag amongst others) are way better. They are more expensive but ultimately are fit for purpose.

  11. Fantastic paratroopers!
    They look like elite troops with those labels and the paint job.

  12. Hi Lee, just wanted to say that it's nice to see your painting again. Good work. I still like the unit labels as well. Sorry if you received a phantom post from me. Some issue with the Kindle Fire.


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