Sunday 3 July 2022

Joy of Six Show Report Video

I've been to the Joy of Six wargames show in Sheffield today. As usual, I went with the camera in hand and took a lot of pictures, but this time it is all pictures of 6mm eye candy. Easy to paint, easy to carry, doesn't cost a fortune and enables you to play BIG battles on small tables. What's not to love? 

Thanks to everyone that came over and said hello. It's always great to spark up conversations with other wargamers who either follow this blog or my youtube channel. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. Maybe I could cut down the waffly bit at the beginning?... But by that point I was so tired I was running on auto.

  2. Great pics Lee, wish I could have come along.

  3. Superb Lee. The games looked brilliant. Well worth the drive.


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