Sunday 18 October 2020

Are you throwing your dice wrong?

This week The Quarantined Wargamer take a somewhat tongue-in-cheek look at how we throw dice. Some players I have met have an almost superstitious adherence to 'their method' for throwing dice in a game. They swear it gives them better results than other ways of throwing those little polyhedral randomisers. So today's video takes a look at some of those tried and trusted methods for rolling 'good dice'. 

As you may have noticed this week is the first time I have shifted the video release to Sundays, with a simultaneous announcement here on the blog. I'm hoping that this will free up a bit of time in the week for me to work on other things, but it should also ensure that I'm available to join in 'live' on any discussion in the comments (it not like I'm going anywhere at the weekend for the time being!). 

As usual, if you enjoyed the video please hit the 'Like' button and consider subscribing to my Channel. Until next week, stay safe, keep playing and keep rolling high!


  1. I use a dice tower. Does that count differently?

    1. I've never used a Dice Tower myself, but I can see the appeal. Its a valid option so ought to be added to the list.

  2. I believe that the best way to protect yourself against you own terrible dice is have your opponent roll your dice for you! There are people in my club who will not use a dice if I have touched them. The best method I've seen was way back in the day when I was running the Ancients tournaments at Historicon. This was before the DBX series of rules and we used WRG 4th, 5th and finally 6th edition rules. I was umpiring when this fellow laid out his army of beautifully painted 25 mm(REAL 25 mm back then) and also a selection of 20 or so of 20 or 25 gorgeously painted cattle. We all looked on in wonder... Well what he did is whenever he needed a particularly good die roll, he took out a hammer and sacrificed one of his cattle to a hammer! We stood in Awe! People came from all the other tables to see him in action and, it must have worked because he did very well in the competition! I wish I had taken photos.

    1. Literally resorting to sacrificial cow's ... now that's dedication to ones hobby!

  3. I know exactly who our Shake them till the dots drop off merchant is! Think I'm a dropper, not from too high though?

    1. I'm still finding dice on the floor a week later... usually when not wearing shoes! Worse than stepping on Lego!

  4. Anyway that doesn't knock over minatures and terrain :)

    1. It does if you get angry and flip the table! Mind you, if someone did that, dice would be the least of their problems.. they'd be lucky not to get lynched.

  5. Good question Lee. Over the years Ive had many opponents and one could spot the ones who were playing fast and loose with the rules of throwing dice.The classic was the one who would simply place them on the table and then be surprised when the high number of sixes appeared. Luckily these have all passed me by now. Ive discovered that the dice Gods can be very fickle, so I can guarantee that wanting ones they will grant me sixes and vice versa.I do have a dice tower, but it rarely gets used as I like to hold my dice in the hope they sense my desperation.

    1. A couple of people have mentioned dice towers. I don't really have space for one on my tiny table in my Operations Room, but maybe when my group get back in the shed-o-war...?


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