Friday 1 March 2019

Quick visit to the Mucklebrough Collection

The Family and I went away last week as it was the school half term break. Thankfully it wasn't as cold as it could have been for the time of year and we managed to make the most of the trip, despite the fact that many of the museums I wanted to visit were closed for the winter! Fortunately, the Mucklebrough Museum was open and I was given a day pass by the wife to visit it while she and the youngling went to a nearby zoo.

Concentrating while taking a selfie! I'm very happy in this picture...honest. 

Russian T34 & T55 tanks with a British A34 Comet

The Artillery Hall

The museum also has an excellent gallery of models and military diorams

88mm FLAK37 German Anti-Aircraft gun

Canadian 'Grissley' Sherman

If you are ever in the area this place is well worth a visit. Some of the exhibits are a little cramped but the collection is very impressive none-the-less. 


  1. Excellent. So good I feel I must go now. Be a shame not to.

  2. Looks a great place to visit Mr H!

  3. If I'm ever in that area I'll make sure to stop and visit.


  4. Interestering place to visit!
    Thanks Big Lee!


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