Sunday 16 September 2018

Autumn Skirmish 2018

This morning I made the short hop across the river to Sidcup for the Autumn version of Skirmish. This is a small show but always a very enjoyable one and today didn't disappoint. As usual I spent more time chatting with friends than I did looking around, but I also took quite a 'few' photo's and came home with a nice haul of goodies. This definitely falls in the category of small 'local' show but  regularly manages to draw in gamer's and collectors from across Kent and London.

The show seemed fairly well attended although again the trader hall wasn't as busy as it has been in previous years. I'm hoping this isn't a downward trend because the show has plenty to offer. The Bring and Buy certainly seemed to be busy all day and I picked up some good bargains. By the end of the day I came home with a nice haul of goodies and a camera full of pictures which makes this a success in my book.

Postie and Ray looking for 
bargains at Col Bills

Maidstone Wargames - 28mm WWI - 22 August 1914

Platoon commander Rommel leads his men forward 

Skirmish Wargames - The ZaianWar 1914-1921 - The Battle of Sidi Kup

Skirmish Wargames - The ZaianWar 1914-1921 - The Battle of Sidi Kup

The Privateers of London - Attack on Sedd-el-Bahr 26th Feb 1914 - 20mm

The Privateers of London - Attack on Sedd-el-Bahr 26th Feb 1914 - 20mm

Milton Hundred Wargames Club - Blood on the Elbe -  15mm Team Yankee

Milton Hundred Wargames Club - Blood on the Elbe -  15mm Team Yankee

The Bring and Buy stand

Medway Wargames - A Song of Fire and Ice - A GoT Game 28mm

Medway Wargames - A Song of Fire and Ice - A GoT Game 28mm

Rainham Wargames Club - 

Rainham Wargames Club - 

Rainham Wargames Club - 

The Old Guard - 28mm Fantasy - Dragon Rampant

The Old Guard - 28mm Fantasy - Dragon Rampant

My show loot. Another T-Shirt from Art of War, a Blandford Guide for my growing collection, a copy of Richard Tory's Zulu war rules for a bargain price and some figures from Col Bills. 
All in all a good mornings work! I hope this show continues to run next year as its always a friendly event and a highlight of my calendar. 


  1. Always liked that little show, nice pictures Lee!

    1. Hi mate. Its still a good show, just going through a (hopefully short lived) wobble.

  2. Good looking games and good loot. Well done!

  3. Great to see you and the others!

    Skirmish may be smaller than it was, but its still a great show to go to.

    All the best,


    1. It definitely punches above its weight. And it attracts all the right kind of people :)

  4. Good to see you there. A small but from my point of view a productive chat! Good to also see Postie and Ray.

    1. Thanks for the TMWWBK tips. I'll be posting a batrep of my two test games later in the week and I agree with your assessment of Tribals in the open.

  5. Looks like it was fun and some nice tables too!


    1. Its a small show but always hosts about a dozen good quality games. The Bring and Buy can be a bit hit and miss but this year it seemed busy and had a good variety of stuff on sale.

  6. Great post Mr H. Its a great little show, I do hope it continues.

    1. We'll have to see what happens next March.

  7. Many periods and many beautiful tables, sounds great!

  8. Thanks for report and all those beautifull pictures!
    Especialy the first one's... medieval table!


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