Sunday 13 February 2011

Big Picture : Sphinx

This weeks Big Picture is a bit topical as I have chosen a photo from my Honeymoon in Egypt (nearly 20 years ago now!). Like many people around the world I have been following events in Cairo with a mixture of fear, excitement and more than a little wonder. Our experience of the country - admittedly seen through the prism of a pampered foreign tourist - was one of a hard working, friendly and very welcoming people and I hope they get the future they deserve.

The Sphinx was definitely a highlight for us on our trip. We had of course seen hundreds of photo's of this monument but nothing can prepare the visitor for standing in the presence of thousands of years of history.


  1. My wife and I honeymooned on the Clyde, collecting sewage samples for my PhD.

  2. Very nice, I don't know what john's trying to say. LOL

  3. Definatley one of my ambitions, to visist the Sphinx and the Pyramids. One day..........

  4. Just don't visit in the height of summer like we did. Mad dogs etc...


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