Saturday 3 April 2010

Daytrip to Hendon

I've been out with the family today. We went to the RAF Museum at Hendon. I took loads of pictures and will post some in a day or so, when I've had a chance to sort and label them properly. In the meantime here's a picture I took inside the Milestones of Flight hall.

I thought this was an excellent day out, especially on a rainy day like today. The whole museum is under cover and entry is Free. Keep an eye out for more pictures and a full write up in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you lucky fellow. I have not been there in years. More pics, please.


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV