Thursday 20 October 2022

The Battle of Fort Arid: Battle Report

The Battle of Fort Arid is a semi-fictional encounter set in French Algeria in the early years of the 20th Century. French Foreign Legionnaires supported by colonial troops of the Armee D'Afrique fight for survival in a dilapidated fort somewhere in the desert of western Algeria. Surrounded by a large and determined coalition of Berber tribesmen, the French forces have nowhere to run and must fight for survival or die where they stand. 


  1. Lee, you are on a posting frenzy! Can barely keep up. This BatRep will be my bedtime viewing tonight.

    1. Lol, I wish I could say its part of a grand plan, but like my tactics, I'm just making it up as I go along!

  2. Great game Lee, a very close game.

    1. I think the small house changes I have made with the rules keep the pace of the game going. I enjoyed playing it, glad you enjoyed watching it.

  3. Very interesting, thank you very much!

  4. Lovely looking game nicely played through, and everything seemed to work well Lee.


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