Sunday 7 April 2019

Salute 2019 Photo Report - Part 3

The Marathon show report is two-thirds done, but there is plenty of more eye-watering goodness to see. I must admit that by the end of the day I was 'flagging' somewhat. My knees were screaming at me in protest by the end, but despite this, I had a fantastic day. I talked myself horse, spent a small fortune on my new lead mountain and got pretty much everything on my shopping list. One of my jobs today (aside from posting my pictures) is to go online and order a couple of the items that I couldn't find. 

Kudos and a shout out has to go to 4Ground for their customer service yesterday. I couldn't find something and two members of their team spent a good ten minutes looking through their stock for what I wanted. They didn't have the item I wanted but told me I could place an order at the till and would send me my item post free. Going the extra mile for a customer is always a good thing but this was at 4:45 when they must have been knackered and footsore after a long day, so I appreciated their help all the more. 

Anyway, one with the photo's. Here is the third and final instalment of my Photo Report. 

Newbury & Reading Wargames Society present the Battle of Heraclea 275 BC

Greek Pikes verses Roman maniples

My daughter was shopping for models to use for D&D and other roleplay games. Nothing wrong with that, RPG'sare where I entered the hobby, but what was her best purchase of the day......Guinea Pigs! Honestly, Sarah, you're embarrassing me! 

South London Warlords - The Pilum or the Pike, a demonstration game using the Sword and Spear rules. 

South London Warlords - The Pilum or the money is on the Pike

South London Warlords - The Pilum or the Pike

Ardhammer - The Second Sino-Japanese War 1937

The Second Sino-Japanese War 1937

The Second Sino-Japanese War 1937

George Moaitis & John Kersey - Alexander: Conquest Fulfilled

This supplementary board allowed the movement of troops towards the main battlefield to be represented...and also meant some stunning units could be on display. 

Whitchall Warlords - The Panthers Claw - Helmand Province, Afghanistan 2009

Whitchall Warlords - The Panthers Claw - Helmand Province, Afghanistan 2009

7TV - Apocalypse

7TV - Apocalypse

Skirmish Wargames - Mag Force 7 - "We deal in laser bolts, friend!"

Wargames Association of Reading - Mammoth Hunt

Mammoth Stampede

Tin Soldiers of Antwerp - Warande Park 'battle' in Brussels

Tin Soldiers of Antwerp - Warande Park 'battle' in Brussels

Crewe & Nantwich Wargames Club - The Horror of Aughrim 1691 
Crewe & Nantwich Wargames Club - The Horror of Aughrim 1691 

Looking downhill. There were a lot of excellently painted miniatures in this game. 

Looking uphill

All the terrain is the sort you could find in any well-stocked club. 

No apologies for posting so many pictures of such a great looking game. 

Royal Air Force Wargaming Association - Stargate 

Wings of Glory Aerodrome - WW1 Western Front in the morning and this pictures shows the afternoon game, set in the skies above the Western Desert in WW2

Delauppror - Battle of Danholm 1807 - Stralsund - Swedish Pomerania

The Battle of Danholm - Excellent custom built terrain along with some modular items and lots of wonderfully painted miniatures. 

As well as lots of troops there was also several excellently painted boats in the waters around the penninsular. 

This Star Fort was made using bought Gabions and fencing incorporated into scratch built embankments. 

One last photo of this beautiful game

A Very British Civil War

Crawley Wargames Club - Conquestadors attempt to escape the jungles of El Dorado

Some excellent looking scratch built terrain

Warlord Games - Cruel Seas

DMB Games - Rosebyrne

Horror in Limehouse

So we're nearly at the end but I have left one of the best for last. I'm a big fan of Simon Millers To the Strongest! rules and I always love to see Simons demo games because they are always spectacular. 

Simon Miller - Mancetter 61CE

Simon in his trademark bright shirt! 

The map shows the bloody path cut by Boudica's army

Every model on this table is excellently painted and the basing looks fantatstic. 

Jaw dropping...this is a lot of figures. 

The Romans had a really bad day....looking down the hill towards the British

Another wide view of the table... Everything is neat at the moment as Simon was waiting for players to arrive for the afternoon participation session. 

One last picture. I really love this. That hill looked steep! 

Ok, that's it, all my pictures have been sorted and the best are now on the blog. I have had a great time reviewing my pictures and remembering a great day out. 

One last picture, my shopping! I picked up pretty much everything that was on my list. My best purchase of the day was two Indian Army packs from Baccus. This should provide enough figures for my Classical Indian (4thC BCE) army. I also picked up some Normandy buildings for What-a-Tanker and more buildings from Peter Pig.  

For me, Saturday was one of the best Salutes I have been to for a long time (despite the loud protests from my body today). I'm already looking forward to next years show, but I'd better start saving some money in the Piggy Bank first. 


  1. Thank you once again from deepest Devon for all the wargaming eye candy.

    Happy gaming,
    Will Harley.

  2. A big thanks to you for your wonderful report. I look forward to these each year!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry (whoever's comment this was I didn't mean to delete it. I must have clicked the wrong button somewhere...oops)

  3. Thanks for the 3 reports and loads of great 'photos. I too like to see good standard 'club/home' style games as that's what most of us play on week in week out. Don't get me started on lack of signage or game info by the tables at shows!

  4. Another batch of fine photos, Lee! The Aughrim game looks super but, goodness, Simon's game is MASSIVE!

  5. Thanks Lee! Was great to meet you! I was sorry to miss the Bloggers Meet up- but the current time falls in the middle of my AM game, when I can't get away. :-(

    1. No worries mate, I guessed you were a bit busy!

  6. Thanks for calling by Big Lee and our quick chat - great photo of our game and George, Jim and myself - John Kersey

  7. I did not even know anyone made Guinea Pigs. Still useful in Aztec games as a crop. Yum yum,!

    All good stuff and more than good to see the pics. So much so I feel inspired. (for the historical I shall be looking at Martello towers! (not seen one in a show game for years and years.

    1. I guess there's something there for everyone.

    2. The guinea pigs are made by Bad Squiddo Games - they're really nice little models! Good to see something for everyone as you said.

  8. A great series of posts and great pics Lee; thanks for sharing from those of us who can't go but enjoy seeing what went on!


  9. Well done that man, great set of posts Lee.

    1. Thank you. I'm still recovering from yesterday but I've enjoyed posting my pictures today.

  10. Thanks for posting these, some of the best pictures of the day I have seen, and certainly the best labeled.

    1. Thanks mate. I try to get a 'reference pic' from each table so I can identify the game quickly... hence my frustration with tables that aren't labelled!

  11. I really enjoyed this series of posts. Incredible that you took so many pictures in duch a short time. I don’t take as many at cons that last for days. Thanks for posting, I love seeing all the games on display. Sounds like it was a great day. 😀

    1. Photographing the tables is as much part of the fun fr me as the shopping that inevitably comes at a show like this.


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