Tuesday 27 June 2017

Upgraded Storage for my Miniatures

I acquired a new piece of furniture for my future games room (the one I dream about getting at some unspecified time far in the future!). This all metal file cabinet has 15 drawers and is ideal for storing my growing 6mm collections. I already magnetise the bases as my carry boxes are lined with magnetic sheets so moving most of them to the new cabinet was easy and they adhere quite nicely to the metal trays. I had a few more recent models that needed magnetic strip added to the bases and its taken a few days to organise and label the draws appropriately. 

Each drawer slides fully out if needed making it easy to move models to the games table. The only downside, I've almost filled  the cabinet already! I only have a few empty drawers remaining so I guess I'll just have to keep my eyes peeled for a matching companion. This type of unit also comes in a 30 drawer version (with shallower trays) so I may look out for one of those. There a few second hand furniture dealers nearby I can visit and of course the internet is bound to throw up examples for sale eventually. I have seen a couple for sale but they were too far away to collect.

One word of advice if you consider the same option, use decent quality magnetic strip. Some of the stuff I had was so magnetically weak it was next to useless. Luckily I had some better quality material and was able to use that and it makes all the difference.

Moving models from their transport boxes to the new storage unit.

15 Drawers and after transfer just  five spares, two of which have
been immediately earmarked from my Zulu War project
Neatly labelled of course...

It didn't take long for me to fill most of the drawers, and this is just my 6mm collection.


  1. Great looking storage solution! What is it called? No need to worry about competition in buying up similar models, as I am a bit out of your area. ;)

  2. I have a couple of similar drawers that I use to keep my modelling tools in.



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