Saturday 9 July 2016

A Punic War Cavalry Clash

The Young Padawan and I have had my 6mm Punic War figures out again for another game using the To the Strongest! rules. This time we decided to scale things back a little and rather than playing a full scale game we just concentrated on a clash of Cavalry. The idea behind this was to give us both a chance to practice movement and manoeuvre of these units and experiment with different formations. It also meant we were able to wrap up a game (including setup and packing away) in under two hours. 

The Setup
A large Carthaginian army is in the area and is being sought out by an equally large Roman force. In a heavily wooded and hilly area cavalry forces are scouting for any indication of the other side. The Roman commander in charge has been ordered merely to locate the Carthaginian's but sensing an opportunity to make a name for himself (and improve his political career) he is determined to deal a swift blow to the enemy. 

Orders of Battle
Roman Scouting Force (Commanded by Biglee)
   General Mounted, Detached, Senior
     Equites Romani  
     Equites Romani  
     Equites Extraordinarii
   General Mounted, Detached
     Equites Latini
     Equites Latini
     Allied Light Cavalry Light
     Allied Light Cavalry Light 
   70 Points

Carthaginian Cavalry (Commanded by The Young Padawan)
   General Mounted, Detached, Senior
     Punic Cavalry
     Punic Cavalry
     Punic Cavalry
     Punic Cavalry
   General Mounted, Detached
     Numidian Light Cavalry
     Numidian Light Cavalry
     Numidian Light Cavalry
     Numidian Light Cavalry
69 Points 

The Action
Opening positions... with both sides deciding to split their commands in front of two of the three river fords. 

I had the Stratagem Card "This was, Effendi!" which meant that that one entire enemy command was moved back one box from its start positions, in this case off the edge of the table. They one pair of units were able to move back onto the table in the first turn but the other pairing rolled a 1 on activation and were left off table until the next turn. An early psychological victory for the Romans.  

The Padawan daringly moved her light Cavalry across the ford in the path of my Equites. Lots of Javelin throwing later this Numidian unit was lost. 

At the other end of the table the Punic Cavalry force their way across the ford and a bloody melee begins. My Allied Light Cavalry (just about visible in the top right of this picture) can do nothing but watch and played little part in the rest of the battle. 

With the first Numidian Cavalry unit destroyed the Roman Equites move forward. However my dice throwing (and Javelin throwing) was off target and I failed to exploit the position this turn. 

This overview shows both fords being also shows my daughters worrying need to line up all her dice with the same number facing up....!

I don't know what she's laughing about, her army isn't doing too well. 

Somehow the Carthaginian's squeeze another cavalry unit across the river and I begin to worry my defence is about to crumble. One bad save roll and I could be in trouble here. 

Meanwhile the Carthaginian general decides - belatedly - to use her light cavalry for hit and run attacks on the open ground on their side of the river. Some very well handled manoeuvring later and the Numidian units have quickly prepared a 'trap' for the Romans if they dare to cross the river. 

With my Equites now facing just three light cavalry units I decide to pull away the veteran Extrodinarii and send them to support the battle on the other side. I'm worrying that I am about to loose control here. 

Meanwhile I manage to sweep away the Numidian's on the ford and open the way for a crossing. The Numidian units on the hill prepare for a hit and run move but unfortunately end up having hit nothing and are left in a precarious position with an exposed flank. I send one of my Equite units across, hit the Numidian's in the flank and swiftly eliminate the light cavalry. 

My Equites have crossed one ford and am in a position to sweep around and hit the Carthaginain's at the other ford in the rear. Its game over and at last I have won a game! 

At last a victory for the Romans! I ran through all the units before the game began but ultimately The Young Padawan's inexperience counted in this game. She had 8 units to my seven but more of hers were Light Cavalry so she needed to use them in hit and run attacks. Instead she used the Numidian Light Cavalry to cross a ford right into the path of my heavier cavalry. By the time she realised her mistake I had already started to cause casualties. Having said that her Punic Cavalry were giving me a run for my money at the other ford and the situation looked worryingly dodgy there for a while.

Once again a great game with good rules resulting in a lot of laughs. Not a bad way for a dad to spend an afternoon with his daughter. 


  1. Roma Victor! A nice report for a nice looking game!

  2. Nice AAR mate, but I'm sure your Sith Mistress allowed you to win to give you a false sense of confidence going into your next game where she will revel in crushing you :)

  3. Congrats Lee, you don't win that often!

  4. Very interesting AAR, Lee! Pure cavalry battles can be great fun. For a bit of variety you could try combining pairs of LC units into 2 hit units with four ammo. This will be an option in v2 of the rules next year or the year after.

  5. A most unheard of occurance....Lee wins a game!!
    Great looking game Lee!!!

  6. A most unheard of occurance....Lee wins a game!!
    Great looking game Lee!!!


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