Monday 29 March 2010

Salute Tickets

I've ordered my Advanced Tickets for Salute 2010 and now I'm all excited. Followers/Readers from the early days of this blog will know I'm a little bit enthusiastic about this annual games show. I've been going for years and every year it seems to get better and bigger.

I'm not entering the painting competition this year - It was fun taking part last year but I'm nowhere in the same league as the other entrants. Instead I'm going to concentrate on exploring the display tables and taking lots and lots of pictures.

I have already started jotting down a shopping list of items I want and traders to visit. At the moment its mostly a shopping list of modeling supplies (static grass, glue, trees etc) but I'm sure a few 'big ticket' items will sneak on the list before the day.

If you see me wandering around, please come over and say hello, it would be great to meet you.

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