Wednesday 8 March 2023

Random Terrain. No thanks!

[This video was published at the weekend and I forgot to press Publish on the post! It's generated quite a bit of conversation in the comments, so I wanted to make sure it also appeared here]

The use of random terrain generation in wargames creates ugly and illogical tables that make my head hurt! My inner Geography nerd wants to cry out in horror when I see terrain dumped on a game's table without any apparent thought. Escarpments where none should exist; towns that are not anchored on terrain features like crossings or roads; and rivers that appear to run uphill, I've seen them all.


  1. Try gaming with a geologist ! He loves it when it set up “wrong” 😂😂😂. That may just to go wind him up pre game

  2. I agree with you Lee, but then I am not a competition gamer.

    1. Its probably also why I dislike random so much.

  3. Interesting. You must have hated some of the games I've put on.

    1. Lol. On the contrary, I've never played one of your games and wondered why some terrain is where it is....but there is always next time 😆😉

  4. I agree and disagree. I like a random generator for a non-historic scenario. I like the generator in The Courier magazine from 1986. If the layout looks really odd, then yes I will regenerate it. As a geographer, I get what you are saying.

    1. Fair enough. Maybe I need to loosen up (or have a drink) before playing a game 🤣

  5. I am going to come down on your side of the fence in this debate, Lee. I do not much care for contrived terrain placement especially when terrain can be moved around, removed, replaced, etc. in a gamey fashion. Some rules immediately spring to mind. Perhaps this is fun and reasonable in tournament settings but I am no tournament player.


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