Sunday 13 June 2021

Adverts in Wargame Magazines

Over the last year and a bit, I have found myself spending longer reading the adverts in my wargaming magazines. I'm even doing the same for adverts in back issues from 20 years ago. I have come to realise this is a symptom of really missing game/trade shows here in the UK. Nothing can quite compare to the visceral experience of handling new products and looking them over with the Mark 1 Eyeball. Today's video on my YouTube Channel Miniature Adventures explores this strange phenomenon and looks forward to getting back to in-person shows.

As always I hope you found that interesting and if you did please leave a comment here or on my channel. Until next time, keep safe, get in as many games as you can and keep rolling high!


  1. I read the adverts more than the articles because they’re often more interesting


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV