Friday 13 November 2015

Punic War Ospreys

There are times when I think that historical wargamers ought to have an Osprey loyalty card because we just can resist buying their products. Every new period seems to be accompanied by several books from their excellent ranges and hardly a show goes by without me coming home with another volume. So it is with no surprise whatsoever that my new Punic War project should bring with it a long shopping list of Osprey guides to get me started. A quick Amazon order later and five books were soon landing on my doormat.

Even with postage costs the average price worked out less than £4.50 per volume for new and unsullied copies. A bargain in anyone's language. Now I just need to find the time to read them! 


  1. Quite right about the necessity of Ospreys to support a new project. Those are terrific bargains from Amazon!

  2. Replies
    1. Absolutely. Especially when breaking into a new period.

  3. I hope Emily appreciates the time and effort you are going to. I am sure it is something she will remember later in life as well. Which has got to make everything GREAT!.

    1. I fully expect she'll 'grow out of gaming' eventually, just like my eldest daughter did, but hopefully she'll still have some good memories.

  4. I've got half a bookshelf just of Ospreys and am always on the lookout for others relevant to my current period of interest.

  5. I have all of those books, all excellent. The war Elephants one is my favorite.


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