Sunday 18 June 2023

Wargaming your Guilty Pleasures: What's yours?

What are your wargaming 'Guilty Pleasures'? Which periods do you play (or would like to play) that are a bit off the beaten track? Periods, wars, or battles that are not commonly seen on the pages of hobby magazines or are considered uncommon or too niche to be supported by a rule system or figure line?


  1. Big Lee,

    Mine are the Spanish Civil War and Chaco War.

    All the best,


  2. Not much guilt in those thoughts Lee, but lots of pleasure. I suppose Star Wars might count as guilty pleasure for some ... I have invested in Star Wars Armada quite heavily and really enjoy the game. I'd like to play more strategic games - campaigns I suppose - and I think there's room for some period specific rules for campaigns.

  3. Well I would say the Haitian Revolution, but you already said I said it!


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