Sunday 9 October 2022

How often do you play

How often do you wargame? I average a couple of games per month thanks to solo games and remote games facilitated by Zoom which top up the number of face-to-face games with my group. But is there a number of games per year below which the respectable player can only be described as a part-time wargamer?


  1. I game less and less now. I am even selling off part of my collection again. My local club is just getting worse membership wise. It’s more RPG and board game orientated now, than figure gaming.

    1. Sounds like you need to get into some solo Wargaming.

    2. Yes looks that way unfortunately although at the moment after many decades of gaming and collecting I am loosing interest somewhat. My club was quite large, NRWS (Newbury & Reading Wargames Society), who run Colours. The Newbury end has lost many key members, it’s also very badly run by the current committee. It could be worse my friends club has ceased to exist. It does seem to be an ageing hobby now generally. It’s also not the same hobby that I got enthused with all those years ago. I am wondering if others feel the same?

    3. @Anonymous. Do I feel the same way toward the hobby? Nope! I am more positive and enthused than ever. Perhaps solo gaming or even remote gaming is the way forward for you to rekindle your lost interest?

  2. I am up to 142 games so far this year, which is already a record for me. I retired at the end of March and there is just me and the dog now so I get in as much gaming as I can.

    1. Wow that's an impressive tally for just one year!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. David, this is an unbelievable number of games! When do you eat and sleep?

    4. It is 3 to 4 games a week but as I said above it is just me and the dog! Getting to Historicon and Hurricon has bumped the numbers up a bit. I have 3 reasonably regular wargames opponents, a weekly visit to one club and a monthly (usually 2 game) visit to another plus the odd other game here and there.

  3. Lee, gaming, for many of us, is only a part of the hobby. Many other facets consume our hobby time as well. As long as you are getting in at least a few games, your are still a war "gamer" in my book. Your average of two games per month is a reasonable pace and certainly sustainable without becoming overtaxing.

    My own gaming frequency has changed radically over the last two years with the onset of remote gaming. I went from about one F2F game per month plus solo play to 96 games in 2021. For 2022, the current tally stands at 66. Still, nowhere near David's impressive totals.

    If you want to see how others respond to gaming frequency from WSS' Great Wagaming Survey, please see my analysis of this topic at,

  4. Yes NRWS is pretty much a waste of time now. I am not a full member anymore as it’s pointless. They way it’s going I am uncertain if there will be enough members to run Colours next year. The club are mostly committee are awful. The membership is ageing which makes the show doubtful as well.

  5. I suppose it depends upon how liberal you are with the definition of 'wargame'. A group of us regularly play a tabletop game with miniatures every Monday. I play virtually using Tabletop Simulator about 1-2 a month. I play at least one solo game with miniatures a month and play one remote game (webcam, Skype, etc.) about once every three months.

    I consider gaming *one* of the related hobbies under this umbrella, with painting, model making, terrain making, etc. all related to it. I generally rotate through these hobbies on which receives more attention. Right now I am mostly painting and basing for a new project.


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