Sunday 17 April 2022

How many dice is too many?

Am I the only wargamer that buys new dice for every rule set I own? I already own THOUSANDS so what's a few hundred more?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You can never have enough dice Lee, when civilization collapses dice will be the barter must have to replace money.😁 Looking at that case full of dice you are a rich man.
    Excellent blog.

    1. In that case I had better but some more pronto!!

  3. No you're not the only one with colours to match armies I have some green and gold for my Napoleonic French and purple for my imperial Romans amongst others

    1. Excellent, at least I'll have company in the Asylum.

  4. Hi may not be the only one, but I diner follow this trend. A few years back, I bought five packs of twelve dice per pack from the local two dollar shop...grand total of twenty red, white and green D6 for about five quid....and that should do me for the rest of my gaming life I should think!

  5. I too have literally dozens of dice in myriad of sizes, shapes and colours, and whilst I use lots for marking such things as hits, casualties or disruptions and suchlike when it comes to those used to roll for movement/shooting/combat I tend to use same core bunch despite the infinite variety I possess. But since all dice hate me it makes little odds :-)

    1. Alas I am familiar with the fickle loyalty of dice.

  6. You are bonkers Lee. But the saddest thing is that you've yet to find dice that roll well for you!

  7. Actually Lee... I can't really comment as I've just taken delivery of 340 dice myself!


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