Sunday 15 August 2021

Are AARs Controversial?

It seems a lot of people don't like AAR's or at the very least cant agree over what is the best format for them. As usual, I'm going to sit on the fence and say there is room in our hobby for After Action/Battle Reports on blogs and on Vlogs in either long or short formats. 

I'd love to know what you think. What is your favourite format for an AAR and why do you love it? And is there room in your hobby for more than one way to tell a story? 


  1. I love the AARs done by the Tactical Painter out of "Down Under" its mostly TFL fare which is my main interest these days. If you haven't, you should check them out.

    All the Best!

    1. Thanks for the link. I'll check them out.

  2. I dont see why people would object to AAR's on a blog, after all, the hobby is wargaming, not figure painting..... I post many more images of my painting progress than I do of games, and I have noticed, in general, I get fewer comments on an AAR than I do on images of newly painted figures, but if people object or get upset about what you post on your blog...well, they need to get out more for a start! (I could say something significantly ruder but decided to refrain....)

    1. Lol. My blog (and my youtube channel for that matter) are primarily for me. If viewers also enjoy it then that's a bonus.

  3. Why would people not want to see others gamers Battle reports???

    1. Absolutely. Especially during lockdown when any game, even one enjoyed remotely, was much needed.


Thank you for leaving a comment. I always try to reply as soon as I can, so why not pop back later and continue the conversation. In the meantime, check out my YouTube channel Miniature Adventures TV