Wednesday 6 May 2020

Easy to build Farmyard Gates

I have been busy lately making gates... No, I'm not getting some DIY done in the garden (much as it would please the wife) I have been making some terrain items for my 15mm Normandy setting. This is a long-overdue project that should have been completed several years ago when I made the Bocage that it is meant to fit in.

I made quite a bit of Bocage hedgerow several years ago and then I made yet more in the Painting Challenge a couple of years ago. However, one of the things I didn't do was add any gates. In the second batch of terrain, I left gaps for the gates to go into, with the intention of buying some suitable gates at a later date. Unfortunately, the items I bought were just a little bit too big for my gaps and didn't look very good. I had my Normandy terrain out again recently and it got me thinking about my missing gates once again. I had a quick look online to see if I could find a suitable product but in the end, I decided I would just make some myself.

While I was doing this I shot some video and I will be putting a detailed tutorial on my YouTube channel on Friday. This sort of build is well within the capabilities of even the novice terrain builder. The 10 gates I made will be more than enough for my gaming needs but it's such a simple build I can easily add more if I need to... I just need to visit my local fast food outlet for some more coffee stirrers first!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. For such a simple build I thought they came out very nice. Much better than some of the commercial examples I looked at.

  2. I look forward to seeing the video! My stock of coffee stirrers has been running low, so I discovered that if you split a tongue depressor into thirds it’s the same width!

    1. My extended family are always collecting stirrers for me. I use them lots of things... bur rarely for stirring coffee!

  3. Interesting post, thanks. It set me wondering when the bar gate like this was invented. How far back in history might one use them. There seems no reason why they might not go back a long way but it's not a design readily associated with say the Dark Ages. perhaps it came along with the
    Enclosures of the eighteenth century.


    1. Good question...and I haven't a clue. Its such a simple design but your right, its probably associated with the Enclosures. If anyone knows the answer...


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