Sunday 7 April 2019

Salute 2019 Photo Report - Part 1

It's the day after Salute 2019 and I have hundreds of pictures and a wonderfully huge pile of goodies to sort through. Ray, Stuart and I were able to get inside the hall early again this year to see some of the final preparations of the Traders and Clubs. We took full advantage of this extra time to chat to traders and get our bearings. Over the next 7 hours, I shot a LOT of photo's (not a great surprise) and having now sorted through them I realise I have far too many for a single blog post. So I'm splitting this photo report in two to share as many pictures as I can. Some of these were shared on Twitter yesterday but for those that don't tweet, here they are again. 

Posties Rejects (L-R Me, Ray, David & Stuart) were inside the venue by about eight fifteen.

The lads at Warbases

Barry Hilton with Postie

Sydney Roundwood

The door opened and we had to dive out of the path of the stampede!

The Battle of Mohi 1241 - Terrain and Figures by Kallistra

The Battle of Mohi 1241

Secrets of the Third Reich
Essex Warriors Wargames Club - Gaslands


Hornchurch Wargames Club - 15mm WWII game using the Battlegroup rules

Mushroom to Play - Andrew Miller 

Mushroom to Play - Andrew Miller

Random Platypus - A Skirmish game 
Closeup of an excellent little village scene

More from Random Platypus - Carnage City

My eldest daughter and her partner were also at Salute. 
Wait, What and Friends - A multiplayer deathmatch using modular terrain

Gringo 40's - The Black River Debacle - a 28mm combined naval and land action against the black flags

Gringo 40's - The Black River Debacle

Gringo 40's - The Black River Debacle

Gringo 40's - The Black River Debacle

Thud and Blunder
Sons of Simon de Montfort - Some worlds are best left alone - A Warhammer 40k Participation game. 

Maidstone Wargames - Dogfight 69, The 100 hours war - The last dogfight between WWII aircraft during the war between El-Salvadore and Honduras.

Last Living Soul

The Continental Wars Society - Some wonderfully painted Flats

CWS - The Battle of Pastrengo 1848

CWS - The Battle of Pastrengo 1848
Rafael Fonseca & Friends - A Seven Years War 'what if' battle. 

The Lance and Longbow Society - The Battle of Bauge 1421

The Lance and Longbow Society - The Battle of Bauge 1421

Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society -Battle of Britain 1940

OK, that's the end of Part 1. Part two will be posted in a few hours and it's looking increasingly likely that there will need to be a Part 3 even later in the day! 


  1. Cracking photos, can always depend on your photojournalism to capture the Salute event saves me visiting! Some interesting games there and two aviation themed ones from Kent caught my eye. looking forward to next instalment

    1. Thanks mate. I hope to have part two up within the next couple of hours.

  2. Cracking pics. Nice to see you again. Good day out.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks mate. Mind you with games this good its hard not to take a decent picture.

  4. Thanks for doing all the work on these and for your parts 2 and 3 which I will go to now.

    1. It's taken several hours but I'm pleased with the outcome.

  5. Thank you for an excellent report, its nice to see this large show.
    I was unable to attend, due to time, distance and commitments.
    Your blog is informative and very much appreciated.

    Happy gaming,
    Will Harley

  6. I almost missed these.
    OK forget the Reject horror show. (Pass the mind bleach I fear I cannot "unsee" it now!) Other than that excellent pics mate.

  7. Great photos Lee - that Gringo's 40 Black Flags riverine game looks fantastic! Also great to see you and Ray weren't trampled photoing the opening stampede! ;-)

    1. I did think to myself "if I get trampled, how will I explain this to the wife"

  8. Excellent photos. So much I missed.

    1. Thanks. Good to see you at the meet-up (albeit briefly). I've been looking through some other photo reports and keep coming across things I missed as well.

  9. Lovely to see you all, especially with the sexy Sidney R!
    I still have my honorary member Posties Rejects shirt!


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