Sunday 15 April 2018

Salute 2018 Photo Review

Another huge success is the only way I can describe Salute 2018. This is the biggest one day wargames event in the UK and its hard not to be impressed by the size, diversity and shear 'buzz' of this annual wargame show. It may lack the personal touch of smaller local shows, but as a showcase of new products and innovations and for sheer eye candy it is, IMHO, unsurpassed. In short Salute is best described as a wargaming extravaganza and one that I think every hobbyist should visit at least once in their lifetime. There will be more commentary on the show at the end of this post but for now lets see some pictures!

This year Ray and I were given a 'Press Pass' to enter early. This meant we were inside by 8:30 and were able to observe the last preparations by traders and clubs setting u for a 10 am opening. 

Many traders were fully ready by 9am and the last few tables and public seating were being put in position. 

Shortly after 10am the doors opened and the 'horde' rushed in!

I usually approach Salute with a clear plan of action and this year was no exception. I always get myself a large map of the show layout and highlight the stands and games that I simply must visit. Combined with a well defined shopping list this plan never stands up to its first contact with the enemy; that widespread gamer malady known as 'shinyitus'. This year was no exception and my swag bag was full of unplanned purchases by the end of the day. 

One of my main delights in a show as large as Salute is exploring the many display and demo games. Don't get me wrong its good to explore the traders but its the eye-candy that really draws me to this event year after year. My camera gets a proper work out every year and this time I seemed to have been in a bit of a frenzy shooting over 600 pictures before the day had ended. I've now edited and trimmed as much as possible and begun the massive task of labelling every picture. As usual some tables were better labelled than others and there were a lot of Trader demo games that I struggled to identify in my pictures. If there are any errors please let me know.

Wyverns Wargames Club - Battle of Varna 1444 - I always like the look of hex terrain. 

Wyverns Wargames Club - Battle of Varna 1444

Wyverns Wargames Club - Battle of Varna 1444

Chelmsford Bunker - Invasion of Copenhagen - Not a lot had happened when I saw this game and I fully intended on returning later to see the action...but like so many things I forgot. Sorry guys, this looked interesting!

Chelmsford Bunker - Invasion of Copenhagen

Society of Ancients - Battle of Paraitacene - Some stunning minis on display.

Society of Ancients - Battle of Paraitacene -  Pikes and Elephants, a winner all round. 

General d Armee - Waterloo 1815

General d Armee - Waterloo 1815

One of my favourite display games of the day... Ironfist Publishing - Battlegroup Torch - Medjez Valley, Tunisia 1943

Ironfist Publishing - Battlegroup Torch - Medjez Valley, Tunisia 1943

Ironfist Publishing - Battlegroup Torch - Medjez Valley, Tunisia 1943

Plastic Soldier Company - Red Alert (Kickstarter)

Bexley Reapers Wargaming Club - Dead Show (Zombies invade Salute!) - Every games table depicted is different and covers the full range of periods. A very creative idea and a pleasure to explore. 

Bexley Reapers Wargaming Club - Dead Show

Bexley Reapers Wargaming Club - Dead Show

Crawley Wargames - Tiger Tiger!

Crawley Wargames - Tiger Tiger!

Great Escape Games - 1914

Great Escape Games - 1914

Dalauppror - Baggenstaket 1719 - The Great Northern War

Dalauppror - Baggenstaket 1719 - The Great Northern War

A Star Wars game by 4Ground (I think)

A Star Wars game by 4Ground

A Star Wars game by 4Ground - Love the figures...I may have to get me some of these!

The Sons of Simon de Montford - Indian Mutiny Escape

The Sons of Simon de Montford - Indian Mutiny Escape

Real Time Wargamers

Real Time Wargamers

Another stunning display - Ian Smith and Friends - Glory from the Halls of Montezuma - And ACW what-if battle.

 Ian Smith and Friends - Glory from the Halls of Montezuma 

 Ian Smith and Friends - Glory from the Halls of Montezuma 

 Ian Smith and Friends - Glory from the Halls of Montezuma 

The Old Guard - Battle of Aspern-Essling 1809

The Old Guard - Battle of Aspern-Essling 1809

Bill Gaskin & Friends - Battle of Gaskins Plantation (AWI)

Bill Gaskin & Friends - Battle of Gaskins Plantation (AWI)

Bill Gaskin & Friends - Battle of Gaskins Plantation (AWI)

The Painting Competition

Simon Millers "For King and Pariament" - The Battle of Soggy Bottom 

Simon Millers "For King and Pariament" - The Battle of Soggy Bottom 

Simon Millers "For King and Pariament" - The Battle of Soggy Bottom again... the same battle in two scales! 

Peter Dennis Paper Armies

Peter Dennis Paper Armies

South London Warlords - In the name of God

South London Warlords - In the name of God

Scarab Pals - Amiens 1918 - Zero Hour, the Big Push

Scarab Pals - Amiens 1918 - Zero Hour, the Big Push

Essex Warriors - Battle of Freeman's Farm - AWI Batlle of 1777

Essex Warriors - Battle of Freeman's Farm - AWI Batlle of 1777

Warlords Games - The Battle of Foy 1945 - A beautiful table with lots of interesting details and even some background music from the Band of Brothers HBO series. 

Warlords Games - The Battle of Foy 1945

Warlords Games - The Battle of Foy 1945

Warlord Games - Blood Red Skies - Sing the Hornet

A Few Brits and the Hobby - Operation Taifun - The Battle for Leros 1943 - I loved the colour of the water on this table and all the models were excellently painted. 

A Few Brits and the Hobby - Operation Taifun - The Battle for Leros 1943

Loughton Strike Force - Battle of Kawanakajima 1561 - A shed load of models!!!

Loughton Strike Force - Battle of Kawanakajima 1561

Maidstone Wargames Society -Twisting the Dragon's Tail - Zeebrugge 1918 -  I saw this game earlier in the year and its still lovely to look at. 

League of Gentlemen Anti-Alchemists - The Biscotti War 1860

League of Gentlemen Anti-Alchemists - The Biscotti War 1860

The Blogger Meet up took place as usual near the centre of the hall. Its always god to see people again and meet a few new ones. I'm not going to embarrass myself by trying to label everyone in the picture...I'll leave that to more knowledgeable (and braver) bloggers. Feel free to nick the picture for your own blog if you want it.

My Salute Loot - What a Tanker! rules and tokens; new modelling tools including a nice model saw; more Vallejo paint; some grass tufts and scatter; clear bases; and the big purchase, a 6x4 Deep Cut Studios wargames mat.

Salute has changed a lot over the years, growing to be the biggest one day wargames event in the UK. This gives it a unique audience and appeal that makes this very different from other events (or so I'm told, I haven't visited them all...yet!). I know Salute divides opinion with plenty of wargamers who either love it or loath it - sort of like Marmite! Personally I love it but I think the key to my appreciation is that I attend knowing full well that its not like any other UK show. The size of the event does mean that "gamer's of a certain age" (or build) struggle to get around. I spoke to several people who agreed with me that to a large extent the show is more of a 'games expo' than a true wargames show. There are more companies running demo's of new games or kickstarters than there are clubs these days (or so it felt). I enjoy this aspect but I do recognise that it makes the show feel very different from its smaller cousins.

The lighting is without question pretty bad. I think it was worse than last year but maybe its just my dodgy eyesight. It certainly felt very dim inside the hall and it made taking pictures without a flash very hard. Having said that I have attended plenty of smaller shows where the lighting is just as poor so its not unique. It has to be said though that considering how expensive it is to attend the show (especially if you have to park a car) it would be nice if the illumination was better.

One of the things I notes this year was the proliferation of MDF and 3D printed models available to wargamers. These technologies have come on leaps and bounds in recent years and every season I am amazed at what is possible. Having said that the selection of 3D printed models is also increasingly impressive and it is only a matter of time before the costs of this option bring the technology into the hands of more and more wargamers.

I spoke to several traders about how the day was proceeding and got mixed messages. Some felt they were having a poor day while others were clearly overrun with customers. The show certainly felt as busy as usual and my 'impression' was of a lot of trading taking place, but that's just my sense of the day.

I'd love to hear your own views on the show so please leave some comments below. 


  1. Lee, I think the show gets really hot. If the lighting was "better" this problem would get worse. You notice the difference when you get outside or into the car parks.

    1. It did feel rather stuffy by the end of the day...and a little 'musky' as well, but that's another issue!

  2. Lee, I agree the lighting was worse the in previous years. I know not Warlords fault, but was a serious struggle to read things at times.

    1. When I first arrived in the hall (about 8:30) the shutters were still open at the back of the hall and it wasn't too bad, but when they were shut the dimness of the lights was really noticeable.

  3. Lee,
    Appreciate the photographic essay/summary of your travels around the grand space of Salute. Being an ancients enthusiast, I found myself studying the SOA pics and well as the ones of Varna 1444 (might have to research that battle!). Having heard about Mr. Miller's debut of FK&P, those tables look rather good as well.
    FWIW, I am hoping to attend the 4-day Little Wars convention coming up at the end of this month. I will not do all four days, though. Work, life, etc. It is nice to pop by and see what's going and what it happening.
    Oh yes, the Dennis paper soldiers grabbed my attention. I shall look into this!

    Thanks for posting.

    1. Your welcome. There is certainly a lot on display and I personally don't mind the trader demo games. Fewer clubs I thought, but the standard is so high I can see how it may put some groups off.

  4. Some really excellent photos featuring, as ever, many interesting games I completely failed to notice!

    1. I've been looking at everyone else's pictures online and seen a couple that left me wondering how I missed them. Its a big show and us Butterfly's have a limited attention span!

  5. Great photos and write up. As ever, there was stuff I totally missed, such as the paper soldiers! I agree about the lighting - it's the first year I noticed this, but was immediately obvious going from the bright, naturally lit concourse, to the dingy hall. Some of the big trader stands were so bad I couldn't make out the products on thier shelves easily. I guess though that without serious investment from either SLWarlords (and an inevitable increase in ticket price as a result) or the traders (and I can't imagine the profit margins making well lit stalls a reality any time soon) it's going to be like this in years to come unless Excel can install better lighting or skylights... I think I'll just invest in a torch for next year ;) Asides from that another enjoyable show - well done to everyone involved.

    Oh, and a shout out to Mel The Terrain Tutor in your photo of 'Bill Gaskin & Friends - Battle of Gaskins Plantation (AWI)'

    1. Yes, head mounted lamps will be de rigueur next year.

  6. Excellent pics of the games Lee :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin. I went a little 'snap happy' again this year!

  7. Excellent pics mate. Nice to catch up again. Agree that Salute is changing but I still enjoy it for what it is even though it's bloody expensive to park and the lighting is awful. People make the show and that's what I go for mainly. You lot !

    1. Thanks for the nice sentiment. Indeed it is the people and the experience that counts.

  8. Thank you for sharing your photos and appraisal of the show Lee, it is very much appreciated for us wargamers stuck down in Devon and unable to attend. Excellent photos and a fantastic blog, thank you once again.

    Will Harley

    1. would be a very expensive trip if you came from Devon...but its gotta be done at least once.

  9. Really well done Lee, a superb record of the day. Bloggers' meeting photograph duly stolen. :)

    1. Thanks you. I was rather pleased with the blogger pic this year. For a change I got a decent group picture out of my camera (usually someone walking into the shot!)

  10. I treally enjoyed looking through the photos.

  11. Thank you for this post. As you know I am NOT a Salute fan. for my taste it is too big, too commercial, too expensive and to impersonal. But for those that like the show I now it is a TREAT. It would be a dull world if we all liked the same things.

    1. ....went every year from last year at Kensington, all through Oympia period, but stopped to events ago... basically I'm guessing my "issues" are the same as Clint's, but having seen some of the pictures this year, and what looks to be a historical resurgence, maybe I'll give it a go next year.. there's no doubt if you live outside London it's an expensive day... by the time I factor in train tickets it's 30 odd quid just to get through the door... now what else could I spend 30 quid on?? :o))

    2. Its not for everyone and that's ok. And it is hard on the feet and hard on the wallet.

  12. Terrific write up Mr H! Cool pics too!

  13. Thanks for sharing you pics Lee: it's always great to see the games for those of use who can't attend. The Medjez Valley is my favourite, it's really getting my imagination going!



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