Sunday 22 October 2017

SELWG 2017

Its not secret that SELWG is one of my favourite wargame shows. Its just the right size for me;  always has some great games on display; is close enough to my home that I can drive it in under an hour; usually the weather isn't too bad for standing in the queue before the doors open; and most importantly this is where I had a fateful meeting with those most rejected members of The Rejects, Ray and Fran (of Don't throw a One and The Angry Lurker fame). I have been going to this event for years and I have a lot of good memories so its not surprising that I have been looking forward to this years SELWG with growing anticipation.

The Traders seemed very busy and the quality of the participation & demo games was very high.

SELWG 2017

Traders on the Mezzanine

The Bring and Buy

Tunbridge Wellls -Sand and Salami - 15mm WWII

Tunbridge Wellls -Sand and Salami - 15mm WWII
Shepway Wargamers -Brittania 417AD

Shepway Wargamers -Brittania 417AD
Shepway Wargamers -Brittania 417AD
Streatham & Tooting Wargamers 

Streatham & Tooting Wargamers 

Streatham & Tooting Wargamers 

Newbury & Reading Wargames Society- Stoke Field 1487

Newbury & Reading Wargames Society- Stoke Field 1487

Society of Ancients - Sentinum 295BC

GLC Games - Red Badge of Courage - ACW Participation Game

GLC Games - Red Badge of Courage - ACW Participation Game

Gravesend Gaers Guild - Panzer Vor

South London Warlords - Darleks Invasion Earth 

South London Warlords - Darleks Invasion Earth 

Rosebyrne Demo Table

Peter Pig - Spanish Civil War 

Peter Pig - Spanish Civil War 
Peter Pig - Spanish Civil War 
Friday Night Fire Fight Club
No table signs means I don't know which club put this game on or what battle they are playing...All I can say for certain is its ACW!


Rejects on tour - Postie, Ray and Tamsin
Simon Miller - Battle of Ruspina - To the Strongest 

Simon Miller - Battle of Ruspina - To the Strongest 

Simon Miller - Battle of Ruspina - To the Strongest 

Maidstone Wargames - Fenris Decending 

Midstone Wargames - Fenris Decending 

Deal Wargames - Stopping the Traffic - Prudka River Sep 1939 -15mm WWII

Deal Wargames - Stopping the Traffic - Prudka River Sep 1939 -15mm WWII

Deal Wargames - Stopping the Traffic - Prudka River Sep 1939 -15mm WWII

Deal Wargames - Stopping the Traffic - Prudka River Sep 1939 -15mm WWII
Gravesend Wargames Club - Taking the Pissoir! - WWII 

Gravesend Wargames Club - Taking the Pissoir! - WWII 

Gravesend Wargames Club - Taking the Pissoir! - WWII 

Gravesend Wargames Club - Taking the Pissoir! - WWII 
Anti-Alchemists - Texas War of Independence 1835

Anti-Alchemists - Texas War of Independence 1835
Essex Warriors - Siege of Maldon 917AD

Essex Warriors - Siege of Maldon 917AD

Friday Night in Crawley - Landskncht! 

Friday Night in Crawley - Landskncht! 

Friday Night in Crawley - Landskncht! 
Loughton Strike Force - General de Armee 

Loughton Strike Force - General de Armee 

Loughton Strike Force - General de Armee 

SELWG Loot! A metric ton of MDF bases; two Blandford uniform guides; A Samurai figure; A Saga model of Alfred the Great; an Age of Adventure set of Livingstone and Stanley; A colonial adventurer figure; Alexander the Great by Warlord Games; a pack of celebrating vikings; and an Imperial Roman command set. The models are all destined to be painted as display figures rather than as part of any army I am building. 

That wraps up the games on display and all in all a pretty good selection of really good games. As usual I spent almost as much time chatting to friends as I did taking pictures. However the big thing today was that I restocked my lead mountain and managed to buy approximately a tree's worth of MDF bases! I was also very fortunate to find some very cheap uniform books on the Bring and Buy so all in all a pretty successful day out. 


  1. Very nice games and a very good presentation (by you) of wide shot followed by close - up. Like that. cheers.

  2. Nice one Lee. You got your post up quick! The great looking ACE game was from Eastbourne war games club, using mostly figures from Trevor from Redoubts collection.

    1. First thing i did when I got in was start uploading the photos.

  3. Thanks for sharing these spectacular pictures, wonderful tables!

  4. Great photos! I never saw most of those games, some pretty ones there! Sorry we didn't get to chat.

    1. Lots of eye candy! Pity we didn't get to chat more but you looked sooo busy... great looking game by the way.

  5. I very much enjoyed SELWG today - it's a 2+ hour drive for me so I don't manage it every year. Some good looking games and great trade stands (just me or are there now more terrain traders than figure traders?). A good day out.

    1. Its a great show and just the right size...I was done in by the time I left about 4pm.

  6. Nice write-up Lee and it was good to see you guys again :)

  7. Looks like a day well spent Lee!

    1. Oh yes! The MDF bases were a real bargain so I ended up buying 24 packs. I reckon I saved at least a tenner on those, so that paid for lunch!

  8. Terrific show report. But better yet was to see you and have a brief chat.

    1. Thanks mate. Good to see you too.,,,now, when are you putting on a Diesel-punk game for the Rejects?!?

  9. Looks like a really great place to indulge our hobby. Great photos. Cheers

    1. Thanks Kiwi, its a good sized show. Not too small, not too large.

  10. Looks like a grand event - and a nice pile of loot!

    1. Its not as big as some shows but its a nice way to end the year.. I don't go to any others now until February.

  11. Thanks for the write-up. Felt like a good walk about the place. Cheers.

  12. Looks like a lot of great games and you could build a shed with all the MDF!:-)


    1. My shed hasn't had a roof for at least six years... maybe I could use the bases like Roof Shingles?

  13. thanks for the report.


  14. Hey There Big Lee!  
    My name in Joshua Stawiarski Co - Editor Of

    Sorry if this sounds like spam, I just wanted to drop a message here say thanks for all of your years in supporting the community and hope it can also continue far into the future.

    Right now we are fighting the battle of looking for other content creators for our website but our reach doesn’t go as far we’d like.  We are wondering if you want to help us transform TWG with great pieces of work. We will provide as much value as we can to you, if you decide to take part, and to build a long-term working relationship.

    Here Is A Link To Explain In More Detail:

    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    Co - Editor Of


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