Sunday 11 June 2017

Operation Caravan at Broadside Wargames Show

I'm aching all over after what has proved to be an exhausting but utterly brilliant day at Broadside Wargames Show in Sittingbourne. Our demo game won Best in Show (!!) and I'm buzzing with excitement as a result. First off let me say a huge thank you to Ray and Postie for their unwavering support and tireless help with the game, and to Surjit and Dave who played a very closely fought battle right to the end. I'd also like to thank all the visitors that came by our table and said nice things about the how it looked, and of course to everyone that voted for our game. Its taken a year of planning and hard work but I have enjoyed every minute of it.

Posties Rejects from L to R - Dave, Surjit, Postie, myself and Ray

Presentation was key, with a table sign, handouts and lots of reference photo's to show visitors.

Initial moved and stuff is already being blown up by the LRDG

View across Barce towards the Airfield in flames

Lots of Italian equipment went up in flames in this game

Nothing was safe from the LRDG's twin Vickers Machine Guns

Looking down what had once been an airfield

We were so busy on our table I barely got to look around the rest of the hall. I did take a handful of photo's but I came home having spent nothing on the trade stands (!).

A final picture ('borrowed' from Ray) showing the LRDG making their escape after the raid. They Won the game despite loosing many of their vehicles. Most of the crews managed to escape to fight another day and this matched the historical battle quite accurately. 


  1. Well done Lee, a brilliant day out, made even better with the Best on Show award!!

    1. Couldn't have done it without you and Postie. Definitely a team win!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin. Feel like I can relax a bit now!

  3. Well done Lee, it's great to see 6mm get the wargames accolades it richly deserves.

    1. I'm always bemoaning the lack of 6mm games at shows so I could hardly run anything else could I!

  4. Great work guys, it looks impressive

    1. The combination of time on my hands and an obsessive nature!

  5. It looks absolutely tremendous, well done Lee you must be thrilled.

  6. Well done. A great looking game

  7. A great looking game that deserved to win a prize! Very well done!

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Bob. I was glad with how it looks but I was even happier the scenario I went with produced a good game.

  8. The kind of picture you see outside Police stations!

    Good to see you on the day. The game looked good.

    Congrats and well done.

  9. Outstanding Lee! That's one stellar looking game!

    1. Thank you. I was chuffed with how it looked in the end

  10. Well done Lee and rejects . Game looks brilliant

  11. Yes, I would have to agree that it was by some length the best in show. sadly I think I can see by fat gut spoiling one of the photos in the background

  12. Looks spectacular!

    The Libyan buildings in particular caught my eye. Levin?
    (I've been using GHQ buildings, and they have edges which are just a little too straight.)

    1. Most of the buildings are by Leven Miniatures, a handful are by Timecast (the railway station for instance).

  13. That's great !
    We see it in june and loose the link to that post... It's a real pleasure to find it again ! :-)

  14. I'm starting work on my LRDG raid game and remembered your great-looking game from before. Do you remember what changes you made for the Broadside game after your playtesting (i.e. beef up Italian defences; shorten the delay before Italian reinforcements begin to arrive)? Thanks.

    1. PM me and I'll send you my notes...I still have them somewhere. My email is bigleeh at gmail dot com.

    2. I'll have a rummage through my old files this afternoon and see what I can find.

      I highly recommend the book "Barce Raid" by Brendan O'Carroll (Ngaio Press 2005) if you can find a copy. Although its specific to this particular raid - and was invaluable for my game - its such a good book I think it would be useful for any raid game.


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