Friday 9 June 2017

Desert Theamed Dice Trays

Earlier in the week Posties Rejects had a run through of our Demo game for this coming weekends Broadside Wargames Show and one of the things we identified as being needed were some dice trays. We don't normally use these but the tables at the show are quite small which means there is no 'spare' table on which to roll dice (and the game surface will be full of terrain). I said I would 'knock up' a couple of dice trays and here are my modest efforts...

The wooden trays are from IKEA and once upon a time were used for storage. I gave them a rub down with some sandpaper and repainted them in sand coloured paint before adding a desert inspired camo pattern. I then glued in some rubber mat in the rolling section of the tray. The smaller section can be used to store dice and measuring tapes. I think they will do the job quite nicely. I may make some more in other colour schemes depending on how well they perform on Sunday.


  1. Interesting. And at least the dice will not go on the floor

  2. Excellent! Now we'll have somwhere to put our sandwiches and crisps!

  3. I really like these. It is a very practical way of solving a problem that will tie very nicely into your overall look for the game.

  4. Lee,
    Excellent game at Broadside with the Posties. Despite being in 6mm the game was probably the best presented. I expressly like the A5 information leaflet. It covered just about everything you could have thought of asking


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