Friday 24 February 2017

Fart the Jester

This was painted purely as a light hearted distraction from my other projects and as such its no more than a bit of whimsy. This particular model was a freebie handed out by Wargames Foundry at a show I attended a couple of years ago. I didn't pay it much attention at the time but when I looked at it recently I realised what a lovely sculpt it was. There is so much expression and pathos in this model it was a joy to paint. 

I reckon this guy has been a court jester for many years and now in his mid forties, with his joints starting to ache and feeling his age he is wondering where it all went wrong. How on earth did he end up spending his life doing a job he loathes, playing the fool and being the butt of every joke. 

In case your wondering no this isn't about me, for a start I have a 'few' more pounds on my frame than this guy. And besides I'm very happy in my job. Honestly, I love it. Every single day. Day after day after day....


  1. A lovely piece of work Lee, nicely done Sir.

  2. Nice...and the Name is appropiate. Fool is from follis..a bag of wind :-)

  3. Reminds me of Rent-a-ghost on TV.

  4. Fart the jester. Great name.

  5. What sort of wash did you use to bring out the folds in the fabric?

    1. Winsor and Newton Peat Brown calligraphy ink. It produces nice dense shadows but doesn't obscure the highlights like some washes can. And its water soluble so highlights can be selectively cleaned even after the ink has dried.


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