Friday 17 February 2017

6mm Pyrrhic Army Finished!

Last year I had the rather crazy idea to paint a complete new army in 6mm to use in games using the To the Strongest rules. These could be used against my existing Republican Romans. I quickly decided I would paint them as part of the Analogue Painting Challenge and started planning what units I wanted and ordered nearly everything in one hit from Baccus 6mm. When it all arrived I knew I had a big job on my hands and started planning how I would tackle the job as part of the Challenge. I initially thought completing the army would take nearly the whole 13 weeks of the competition but as soon as I started painting I realised that my progress far exceeded my projections. 

In a little under 9 weeks the army has been completed and here it is in all its painful glory (those pikes are sharp!).

And unit by unit here they are...

Epirot and Macedonian Pike Phalanx

Greek Slingers

Greek and Sicilian Hoplites

Thessalian Heavy Cavalry

Tarantine Light Cavalry

Greek Heavy and Light Cavalry

Greek Bowmen and Indian Elephants

There are more units I can add at a later date (allies mostly) but for now I am very happy to have completed this army as fast as I I just need to find anther army to top this in next years Challenge!


  1. Incredibly nice ! From shields to basing...

  2. Well done Lee! A great achievement getting it all painted in under 9 weeks :)

    As for the sharp pikes, one way to avoid your hands becoming pincushions is, of course, to make this the Padawan's army and play the opposition ;)

    1. Oh the Padawan will definitely be playing this army. It includes Elephants... I'll never get a look-in!

  3. Cracking looking army. What army will be next though? They need something good to fight against now.

    1. Well I have 9 months to decide so I need to hit the books and pick something interesting.

  4. Excellent work Lee; there is something deceptive about painting 6mm, I think. I always think it won't take me long, but the numbers involved tend to take forever! Commendable, sir.

    1. If I hadn't been doing these for the Painting Challenge they would have taken forever!

  5. Now THAT's what I wanted to see! Thanks for sharing it! Excellent work!

  6. They look spectacular, congratulations!

  7. Those look awesome!!! Excellent work!

  8. Well done Lee! Thank gawd for the Challenge eh?

  9. Well done, fantastic Pyrric army, "bravo" !


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