Wednesday 17 August 2016

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

Last week while on holiday I had a chance to visit RAF Coningsby and take a tour of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight hanger. Unfortunately their Lancaster Bomber was out that day, as were several aircraft, but we still had a very interesting tour. 

The C-47 Dakota was manufactured in the USA by Douglas in March 1942

Inside the visitor centre

Our tour guide shows off various weapons found in the aircraft

This Hurricane Mk IIc first flew in 1944 and is believed to be the last Hurricane to enter service with the RAF.

Spitfire Mk XVI TE311, the latest addition to the Memorial Flight fleet.

Spitfire P7350 is the oldest airworthy Spitfire in the world and the only Spitfire still flying to have actually fought in the Battle of Britain. In the background are three AWACS Boeing 767's

The BBMF hanger...unfortunately rather empty as many of the aircraft were out when we arrived. 

One of the AWAC's (Airborne Warning and Control System) aircraft

RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire is the Royal Air Force’s Southern Typhoon Main Operating Base (MOB), home to two front line, combat ready squadrons

Looking back into the hanger at the Dakota...missing an engine which is currently being serviced.

On the way out are two of Barnes Wallis incredible Earthquake Bombs. The Grand Slam (the larger of the two) weighed in at 22,000 lb (10,000 kg). 
If you have a chance to visit the BBMF Visitor Centre its well worth a visit. The tour guides are very knowledgeable and friendly and being an active Air Base there is always something happening worth seeing. 


  1. The Gland Slam is the average weight of a woman in my home town! (Not actually true but with some you do wonder).
    Nice to see the BBMF home. Nice one Lee.


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