Tuesday 8 December 2015

Bowing to the Inevitable

Time moves ever onward and I'm not getting any younger, so its not entirely surprising that my eyesight is starting to let me down. Over the last year or so I have increasingly needed the assistance of cheap shop bought reading glasses for close up work like painting and reading. I did try using a magnifying headset a few years ago but it was too heavy and was soon discarded.

This weekend I finally accepted the inevitable and went to the opticians for an eye test. Not surprisingly I have been told I need reading glasses. My prescription is fairly mild and otherwise my eye health is very good so I should be happy, but there is something quite depressing about ones body letting the side down. I've ordered my glasses and should have them in a week or two. When the kids stop laughing at me I'll put a deposit down on a mobility scooter and a zimmer frame!


  1. Glad you've finally joined the rest of us in the 4 eyes club!

  2. I know that photo... and you've never looked better.

  3. Welcome to the club. Since 6 months I also wear glasses and not only for reading/painting.

  4. Freedom Pass comes next year doesn't it? :p

  5. Age catches up with all of us. Welcome to the club. cheers

  6. Don't forget the storage cup for your teeth! At 81 I have very little sympathy :>\

  7. Gawd! It was like looking in the mirror! I have worn glasses since the age of four. Take comfort that Clark Kent wears them and be a superhero!

    1. I used to wear glasses for distance vision because I was short sighted. For the last four or five years my vision 'improved' to the point where I haven't had to wear glasses at all. Clearly I was my eyes were just 'passing through' on their way to the land of Hyperopia.

  8. I felt exactly the same when I got my first pair, but don't worry the self consciousness quickly wears off...once everybody you have ever known in your life, ever, sees you in them. :)

  9. I#m now at the stage where even with 3.5 magnification reading glasses I can only see to paint in bright sunlight. So you still have a long way top go!

  10. I had an eye-operation 17 years ago and was happy with that (near-sighted before) but a couple of years ago at a restaurant me and two pals laughed at the fourth one when he drew up his reading glasses. He was happy with them though (spoil-sport) and told us to try them out. We all did.
    Next time at the restaurant with the same guys we all drew our reading glasses. Defeat, it is so bitter... :-)

  11. The condition is called presbyopia. Old Eye in Greek. The lenses in our eyes stop flexing so our near vision becomes compromised (which is where most people notice it). We also get more longsighted as we get older so myopic (short-sighted) people can get towards very good distance vision...but then can't see close up. Ready readers off the supermarket shelf are generally rubbish and should be avoided.


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